by ecc

This years Christmas Party will take place at the Evergreen Elks Lodge which is located on Iris just off Meadow Drive. We are having a catered dinner, will hold the year end competition and introduce the new presidents, and the other positions at the party.
The menu is as follows:
Orange-Cranberry tossed salad
Calypso Sweet & Sour Pork Loin
Roasted White & Sweet Potatoes
Sauteed corn with green & red bell peppers & onions
Rolls & Butter
Fruit trifle
The cost is $16.50 per person.
There will also be a vegeterian meal available for non pork eaters.

This years Christmas Party will take place at the Evergreen Elks Lodge which is located on Iris just off Meadow Drive. We are having a catered dinner, will hold the year end competition and introduce the new presidents, and the other positions at the party.
The menu is as follows:
Orange-Cranberry tossed salad
Calypso Sweet & Sour Pork Loin
Roasted White & Sweet Potatoes
Sauteed corn with green & red bell peppers & onions
Rolls & Butter
Fruit trifle
The cost is $16.50 per person.
There will also be a vegeterian meal available for non pork eaters.
Please respond to if you are planning on going to the party. I have to give the caterer a count by Thanksgiving (3 weeks away). It should be an excellent time so please join us on our usual 2nd Wednesday, December 8th, please arrive around 6:30, food will be served around 7. There is a cash bar available.