October 9th 2024 General Meeting: The 12 Elements of a Successful Image with Ellen Nelson

by Ellen Nelson

The 12 Elements of a Successful Image

It’s time to improve your photographs! A good start is to understand what photo competition judges look for when they are critiquing photos. Colorado master photographers and Professional Photographers of America rockstars Jeff Johnson and Rick Avalos often mention the “12 Elements” during their Image Critique Show (every 4th Thursday, www.theimagecritiqueshow.com) the guideline created by PPA.

What exactly are the 12 Elements? Local master photographer and ECC member Ellen Nelson will explain what they mean and help you understand what you can do to take your photos to the next level.

Join Ellen and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, October 9th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Ellen’s presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

September 11th 2024 General Meeting: Natural Light Portraits with Jenny Gegg

by Ellen Nelson

It’s portrait season! Many families think of the fall as the time to be photographed for their Christmas card or get their high school senior portrait. Unveil the secrets to capturing striking portraits using natural light with Jenny Gegg. Jenny, a professional photographer based in Lincoln, Nebraska, is ECC presenter-favorite Jim Grigg’s daughter and she is coming to town especially for the club!

Explore techniques for utilizing daylight to highlight features, create mood, and achieve beautifully balanced images. Jenny’s presentation is ideal for both beginners and enthusiasts and will provide guidance to elevate your portrait photography skills.

Join Jenny and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, September 11th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Jenny’s presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, September 11th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkdu2tqjotGdCOoPqMgJ9PPQarc4PsYJFz

August 14th 2024 General Meeting: Sports Photography 101 with Margaret Bowles

by Ellen Nelson

Sports Photography 101

Evergreen Camera Club has never hosted a sports photographer! That is about to change. Margaret Bowles has photographed sports world-wide and she is coming to Evergreen.

Margaret will discuss the business and art of sports photography, the current barriers of entry into the field, and the future of sports photography. She will explain the keys to successful action photography and the equipment required for quality action shots. Margaret will also showcase her amazing images of various sports action featuring college and NFL football, snow sports, the Olympics, baseball, and miscellaneous other sports.

Join Margaret and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, August 14th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Margaret’s presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, August 14th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ocu2vpj8qHdWePl978tmZxquvIHQvHJvv

June 12th General Meeting: Seasons of Our Mountains 2025 Calendar Voting

by Tom Goldberg

Seasons of our Mountains Calendar 2025 Contest Voting
(Zoom only)

Have a say to narrow the 150+ photo entries down to the 25 finalists for the iconic Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice 2025 calendar! Only Evergreen Camera Club members and all 2021-2024 calendar finalists* can join us in the anonymous vote to select this year’s 25 finalists! Now is an ideal time to renew or join our club. See all of the images submitted by our community and make your opinion count.
* Mount Evans HHC&H Employees are also invited to vote

We have set the voting date to June 12th – Images will be displayed on Zoom only for best image quality (the fire station projector is not up to the task). Only club members who have signed in via zoom can vote: voting will be done using Google Forms as described below.

    Contest entry deadline is midnight on June 7th, so enter your best local photos – CLICK HERE to upload your entries, you still have time to enter your best local photos!

Links to the Zoom and Voting form will be emailed to ECC members and past winners prior to the meeting.

THIS EVENT IS MEMBERS-ONLY (and past winners).

Wednesday, June 12
on Zoom only
social time at 6:30 pm, voting at 7:00 pm

The Calendar Voting and Judging Process

Voting to select 25 finalists from the calendar entries will be judged by the membership of the ECC club and past winners, out of whomever participates either in-person or on the Zoom call for our June meeting.

Each image will get a score from 1 to 5, averaged from all votes cast to determine the 25 finalists. The finalists will then be voted on by the general public using the voting website tool used for last year’s competition (that link will be posted when the finalists have been uploaded).

As the calendar competition is open to everyone, and many ECC members and past winners have and are expected to enter, certainly those individuals will be voting on their own images along with everyone else. The artist names will not be disclosed so at most, voters will recognize only a few of the images out of however many we get (we expect 100-200). Thus we feel there will be minimal bias in this process.

Our intent is that this will yield an impartially-judged set of 12 images plus a cover image to comprise our final calendar, however, if we end up with some kind of imbalance, there is an editorial committee comprised of Mount Evans and ECC volunteers who may make minor adjustments to ensure a good end product (i.e. if 4 images of elk were to get the best scores, we may only include one or two). The remaining 12 images will be recognized as runners-up in the calendar.

Each year we enlist the aid of a guest photographer as a Judge to pick the Best of Show, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from the winning 13 images selected at this event. This year our Judge will be TBD.

If you have any questions about this process, please send and email to webmaster@evergreencameraclub.org.

Voting Instructions: Important!!!

Display of submitted images and voting will begin at 7:00PM on Wednesday June 12th. Setup and testing will be from 6:30 to 7:00, be sure to get on-line in time to work out any kinks you may have with the links or the process.

There will be 4 different groups of images, divided by season. We will run through each group quickly so you can preview them and then go back more slowly with each photo title for the voting step.

Voting will be done using Google Forms – a “forms.gle” link (type-in) or QR code (scan) will be provided to get your browser to the voting sheet.

For those voting in-person – you should bring a smartphone, tablet, or laptop device for voting at the event.

For those voting by Zoom – you should Zoom using whatever device you have with the best display so you can see the entries clearly. You can use a separate device (such as your smartphone) to go to the Google Forms link so you can have a separate screen to make your voting selections. Alternately, you can use a browser and Zoom on the same device if you can manage the two windows.

Links to the Zoom and Voting form will be emailed to ECC members and past winners prior to the meeting.

If you have problems uploading or questions about the contest, please email webmaster@evergreencameraclub.org

July 10 General Meeting: Wildlife Respect and Awareness through the Lens with Jeff and Wendy

Jeff and Wendy
Promoting Respect and Awareness for Wildlife Through the Lens of a Camera

Jeff Torquemada and Wendy Sparks are passionate about preserving all things wild. They have been shooting together for over 40 years and spend hours each week photographing and studying the art of photography, striving to capture images that tell a story and evoke emotion. Jeff and Wendy are always observing and waiting to capture animals in their natural habitat in that perfect light! They do not bait nor risk compromising the welfare of an animal just to capture an image. Jeff and Wendy were awarded Community Active Wildlife Stewards of the Year in 2022 and helped establish the River Otter Ambassador program to educate the public on how to appreciate and coexist with urban wildlife such as the river otter.

Join Jeff and Wendy and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, July 10th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with their presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, July 10th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrdemvpzwsH93JIpG7DvODhqiK0NpQ0-bG

May 8th 2024 General Meeting: The Image Critique Show!

by Ellen Nelson

The Image Critique Show
Enter photos to get “more better”

Learn from the best and have fun! Jeff Johnson and Rick Avalos have a monthly photo critique show aptly named “The Image Critique Show” (theimagecritiqueshow.com) and they are bringing the show on the road to Evergreen! Submit an image of your choice on the ECC website and watch and listen how it can become “More Better.”

CLICK HERE to enter this special event, limit 1 submission per person, 25 total images, ECC members have priority

“If you have never submitted a photo before, this is the best way to do it!” Jeff explained. This is also a great time to get feedback on a photo you are considering for the Mount Evans Home Health Care and Hospice’s Seasons of our Mountains calendar contest, coming up in May.

Join the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, May 8th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Jeff and Rick’s Zoom presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, May 8 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

The Image Critique Show & The Evergreen Camera Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Wednesday, May 8 at 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 0727 6105
Passcode: 866036

Thanks for tuning in,
Jeff & Rick

April 10th 2024 General Meeting: Airshow Photography with Bob Dean

by Ellen Nelson

Airshow Photography
A Photographer’s Survival Guide to Airshows

Download Bob’s Presentation Here

Unfortunately we did not record this presentation, but Bob was kind enough to provide the full powerpoint he used for this informative event. We made a pdf of it and you get a copy for yourself by clicking here.

Airshows are one of the most popular pastimes in America! They can be challenging for photographers, with fast action and plenty of amazing photo opportunities. Bob Dean’s program will guide you through the logistics of locating and planning to attend airshows, the typical sequence of events, and how to get the most out of your day photographically. Bob will offer tips, hints and techniques, as well as suggested camera gear to get those epic shots.

Join Bob and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, April 10th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Bob’s presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, April 10th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcodumuqDkqGNNoQvT-7LnykKW4lOfzwYVu

March 13th General Meeting: Bird Photography Tips and Tricks with Alan Murphy

by Ellen Nelson

Bird Photography Tips & Tricks
Learn how to get birds where you want them

Alan Murphy may live in Evergreen, but his award-winning images of beautiful birds portraying their natural environment with simple elegance are known world-wide. And some were even taken in Evergreen!
Alan will showcase his stunning bird photos and discuss how to attract birds and get them where you want to photograph them. Alan is a Nikon Professional Service Member, Wimberley Professional Service Member, the author of several e-books and educational videos and leads an impressive slate of bird photography workshops.

Join Alan and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, March 13th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Alan’s presentation to follow.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, March 13 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86960748003?pwd=bU5YOTNURjN1TFY2eGVrTmtCMFd0dz09

February 28th General Meeting: Fundamentals of Modern Optics with Marc Morris

by Ellen Nelson

NOTE: This general meeting has been scheduled for the 4th Wednesday to avoid a conflict with Valentine’s Day on the 2nd Wednesday.

We all depend on our camera lenses, but what do we really know? From aberrations to stabilization, Marc will focus on where photographic lenses are today, and peek at where they’re headed in the near future.

Marc Morris is our Tamron guy! He is their Rocky Mountain Sales Representative
and will present a state of the union regarding modern optical design as considered by the world’s largest lens manufacturer. Marc will explain glass types, element and lens design, the rules all lens manufacturers must follow in the design and implementation process.

Join Marc and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, February 28th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Alan’s presentation to follow.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, Febrary 28 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88276082407?pwd=K29kWSt6ZFVGR2cxbmkwc0lveWpBQT09

January 10th General Meeting: Preparing for a Wildlife Shoot with Cheryl and Jim Moore

by Ellen Nelson

The Wildlife Experience

Know when and where to get that amazing wildlife shot! Cheryl and Jim Moore are coming to Evergreen to share some of their wildlife secrets. They will focus on animal habitat and behavior, explain migrations and ruts and discuss animal gesture to achieve more interesting and impactful photos.

Join Cheryl, Jim and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, January 10th for 6:30 pm social time (come then, Cheryl and Jim plan to have some interesting gear on display!), brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Cheryl and Jim’s presentation following.

We will also Zoom this presentation at the link below.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, January 10th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

Evergreen Camera Club