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About Jackie Crivello

About Jackie Crivello

The first time I wandered off alone in nature, I’m guessing I must’ve been about eight years old. By that time, I was making my first homemade bird feeders. A baby food jar and some red nail polish made the best little first hummingbird feeder ever. I felt that I just had to get close, as close as I could to all the natural beauty around me. About that same time, ‘Santa’ had gifted me my first camera kit, a Kodak X-15. I had wandered off alone at age 10 and taken my first photo of a wild black bear in northern Wisconsin, with that same X-15 camera. By The time I was 15, I was quite familiar with a Single Lens Reflex camera. I had won a first place national award for people photography. I put the camera down after high school to run my own business, a retail nature store that I’ve owned for the last twenty years, and to raise a family. Now with children grown and being on my own, I picked up the camera again. When not photographing wildlife, I may be in the studio photographing custom motorcycles and their riders, or on the football sidelines of local games, or assisting Sports Illustrated’s Peter Read Miller on the NFL sidelines. Action photography is very much my passion.

Loneliness, joy, loss, success, grief, emotions too many to share, are what we all feel sometimes to the point of overwhelming, where we just have to relieve ourselves from the stresses of daily life and seek out beauty in nature. For that brief moment in time, the moment while breathlessly the camera is to my eye, while nothing else exists but love for the other side of the lens, where when that moment stops and is captured, it is the incomparable joy of my life. It’s where all the emotions stored within me are released into the epitome of the moment. Extending and converting the passion of those emotions into print via the beauty of nature is my life’s quest.

I’ve the good fortune of living in Colorado to be able to get as close to nature as anyone can. I’ve lived on the mountain with the animals and I’ve traveled to places as far away as the Australian Outback to photograph them. I’ve also worked with many other famous photographers to enhance my trade and bring the best of all I know how to the world. I’ve been published in many places including National Geographic, Cowboys and Indians premier magazine, Digital Pro Photographer magazine, Kingston web site, Colorado resort magazines, and many advertising venues as well.

Currently I am on exhibit at the John Fielder Gallery in Denver, CO, Hang Time Gallery in Breckenridge, CO, and The Link Gallery in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Contact Adam at the John Fielder Gallery in Denver for corporate sales at: 303-744-7979 or myself at 303-900-3303.
© J Crivello Photography