PSA Image Analysis Workshop

Evergreen Camera Club and St. Vrain Photographic Society have joined forces to bring this critically important photography workshop to Evergreen! On Saturday, October 27, PSA (Photographic Society of America) Education Services Director and Instructor Jon Fishback will conduct “Image Analysis,” a course designed to improve your photography through the comprehensive analysis of photographs from all levels: from beginners to amateurs to masters.
Follow Up Report:
This event was an excellent collaboration between the St. Vrain and Evergreen Photo Clubs. Participants were instructed on and challenged to spontaneously analyze composition, lighting, color, impact, creativity and more. John Fishback was knowledgeable and personable providing an effective learning opportunity. Members rejoined the next day in Golden for his critique of our works.
Consider reading Jon Fishback’s short paper, “The Pain and Pleasure of Critical Analysis” on the PSA website ( or search on Google. Contact Ellen Nelson ( if you have additional questions.