by ecc

Lair O’ the Bear Open Space Park on Hwy 74, Main Parking Lot, 8 AM Saturday, June 21st.
Field Trip will be led by Club Members Lorrie McAllister and Donna Dannen, well versed in Wild Flowers. Researched, hike holds potential for a fun ‘Day Trip’ close to home. Setting out east along Bear Creek Trail… this is mostly an easy walk of about one mile in distance. Some uphill, but easy bail-out for those prefering to walk about half-a-mile. Scouting trip revealed potential for wildlife including deer, osprey, and an active beaver pond, as well as water shots along Bear Creek.

Lair O’ the Bear Open Space Park on Hwy 74, Main Parking Lot, 8 AM Saturday, June 21st.
Field Trip will be led by Club Members Lorrie McAllister and Donna Dannen, well versed in Wild Flowers. Researched, hike holds potential for a fun ‘Day Trip’ close to home. Setting out east along Bear Creek Trail… this is mostly an easy walk of about one mile in distance. Some uphill, but easy bail-out for those prefering to walk about half-a-mile. Scouting trip revealed potential for wildlife including deer, osprey, and an active beaver pond, as well as water shots along Bear Creek.