September’s Theme for critique/competition, inspired by our last guest – Mario Corvetto. Mario’s shots largely focused on people.. varieties of portraits taken during his travels, portraying something of the life, circumstance, natural moment in time captured. If you have a trip to a faraway land planned, WONDERFUL!! Otherwise, faces in the crowd.. interesting moments.. surround us everyday, just about everywhere. See what you can capture, to share with club members at the next meeting..
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AUGUST 12 MEETING – Mario Corvetto, Guest Speaker
A native of Peru, Mario is co-founder of “Andean & Rainforest Expeditions”, “Mondo Verde Expeditions”, and the “Evergreen Photo Alliance” stock agency. A multi-ligual, award-winning photographer, he has donated his time to NGOs including the American Refugee Committee, Catholic Relief Services, and World Vision International to create image banks to raise support for people traumatized and displaced by war. He has also worked on assignment with UNICEF to promote issues of children’s rights, nutrition and health care.
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Theme for August coincides with the “Annual Mt Evans Hospice Calendar” competition.
Last year, several member photos were selected. Official deadline for calendar submissions is Monday, 8/25.
Guidelines and entry form can be viewed and downloaded from
Our 8/12 Meeting is an excellent opportunity to receive a critique of ‘up to three’ of your calendar entries.
This theme also nicely coincides with topic of our last guest speaker, Weldon Lee, whose 7/8/08 presentation included discussion on “winning photos”.
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More experienced members “interested in mentoring”.. as well as members “interested in being mentored” are asked to email Co-President Annie ( for a pairing-up process of one-on-one mentoring. Our monthly general meetings, and regular mentoring sessions, are wonderful opportunities to listen, learn, and contribute. But from time to time, we all experience the need to have specific questions answered.. technical settings explained in detail.
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JULY 22ND MENTORING SESSION – Pat Gautier, “Basic Camera Settings”
Metering Mode, Program, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority… just some of the many camera settings we need decide. Pat will discuss the settings he uses, and the “why” behind those settings. He will then open the topics for discussion. Whether new to photography and wondering how the more experienced arrive at the settings they tend to use, or… another Pro interested in comparing and sharing, it should prove to be an evening of lively discussion. All skill levels welcome!
Join us at 7 PM (6:30 – social time) at Evergreen Fire Station #2 in Bergen Park.
A Colorado Ghost Town is the destination for this month’s Field Trip.
GENEVA is located about an hour’s drive from Aspen Park on 285.
Enroute, an area with tiers of iron tailings with great colors may be seen.
Water should be flowing over this time of year. Many great photo opportunities!
Scheduled time of departure is 7 AM, leaving from Aspen Park’s “Park ‘n Ride”.
Road conditions will determine length of hike, expected to be relatively easy 2 miles.
4-wheel drive vehicle is recommended, and carpooling available.
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JULY 8TH MEETING – Weldon Lee, Guest Speaker
The Public is invited to attend our next Monthly Meeting when the Guest Speaker will be Wildlife Photographer, Writer, and Photo Tour Operator, Weldon Lee. Travelling the globe photographing wildlife in their natural, and often exotic, habitat Weldon is best able to capture the essence of their personalities. His work has been exhibited in the Denver Museum of Natural History, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, featured on all the major TV networks, as well as in numerous magazines. His website best describes his work.
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I hope a number of you are planning on the field trip at 8 a.m. on this coming Saturday, June
21st. We need to announce a change in MEETING PLACE. Originally slated for Lair ‘O the
Bear Open Space Park, we are changing the field trip to MYERS RANCH OPEN SPACE PARK.
This park is found at Aspen Park just off Highway 285 at the South Turkey Creek Road exit.
Wildflowers have dried up at Lair ‘O the Bear and the trail is hot. North slope and varied
habitat make MYERS RANCH a better choice. Please email me with any questions. Sorry for
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The theme for July is “Sports Photography” prompted by our last guest speaker, Sports Photographer Eric Bakke. Again, there will be an additional “Open” Category for submissions that do not meet criteria for theme. Three submissions per member, in any combination of the two categories, will be critiqued.. as well as judged for the month’s winning photo(s) and honorable mentions. Theme Category will include Divisions “A” (experienced) and “B” (beginner). Open Category, one division only.
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JUNE 24TH MENTORING SESSION – Charles Dirks – “Curves” in Photoshop
June’s Mentoring Meeting will be led by Club Member Charles Dirks, who will be covering “Curves”, a powerful and flexible adjustment tool in Photoshop.
During the Session we will work on using Curves to bring out detail in the shadows, adding contrast, and also touching on adjusting colors. Interesting and informative info for enhancing our editing skills. All skill levels welcome. Tuesday, 7 PM (6:30 social time) at Evergreen Fire Station #2 in Bergen Park.
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