2023 Holiday Party and Year End Competition

Evergreen Camera Club YEAR END PARTY!
MEMBERS ONLY In Person Dinner Party and Photo Contest
Time: Wednesday, December 14th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Parkside Cafe
1338 Co Rd 65
Evergreen, CO
Cost: $30/person
To Pay for dinner, click on the “Meetings” Menu and open the meeting announcement or Click Here
Reservations must be made by December 11th
Your Payment is your RSVP
To enter the Photo Contest, click on the “Contest” Menu and then the “Year-End Contest” – entries must be submitted by December 11thxxxx EXTENDED to DEC 12 7:00pm
Awarded in each category, Best Image of the Year and Best Image of the Year Runner-Up, Beginner (if there are enough entries) and Advanced.
Must be a member to participate in contest