July 13th 2022 General Meeting: Beyond the Tech with Jennifer Carr

by Tom Goldberg
July 13th 2022 General Meeting: Beyond the Tech with Jennifer Carr

JENNIFER CARR – Beyond the Tech: Developing a Mindful Photography Practice

“Creating photographs is about much more than technique and technology. It’s learning to pay attention on purpose: thoughtfully, quietly, and immersively,” award-winning travel/nature photographer Jennifer Carr explained.

“Through the practice of mindful photography, you direct your attention deliberately, moment by moment, while being fully aware of your thoughts, feelings, senses, and surroundings. Through this practice, you will find more pleasure in the art of creating images resulting in photographs with more personal meaning.”

Jennifer Carr will discuss the principles of mindfulness and share how she uses those tools to create her inspiring nature, landscape, and travel photographs.

You can find her work at www.jennifercarrphotography.com and on Instagram at @jennifercarrphotography.

This is a virtual Zoom meeting, so log in with Evergreen Camera Club on Wednesday, July 13th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm. New members, students and guests are welcome. See the ECC website and future ECC emails for the virtual meeting link.

Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, Jun 13th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation


July 13


06:30 pm - 08:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/Evergreen-Camera-Club-Photography-Meetup/events/286533905

Evergreen Camera Club Photography Meetup

Email: Evergreen-Camera-Club-list@meetup.com Website: https://www.meetup.com/Evergreen-Camera-Club-Photography-Meetup/