May 11th General Meeting: Artistic Floral Photography with Jackie Kramer
Artistic Floral Photography – Bringing out the Character
Join Jackie as she takes you on a journey through her digital garden at Evergreen Camera Club’s May general meeting. She will share a variety of techniques that she uses to bring out the character in floral subjects.
Jackie will offer examples showing how to reflect the personality of a flower and how to shoot straightforward macro images with selective focus, shoot-throughs, abstracts, multiples, textures and more. Listen to her rationale as it applies to decisions in the field pertaining to selection of the subject, background, approach, composition, lighting, exposure, and depth of field.
Jackie’s presentation will include an editing demonstration showing how to incorporate textures into your images. You will leave with a desire to put some of these ideas into action as you create your own unique images!
This is a Zoom meeting format, so join ECC on Wednesday, May 11th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm in the Zoom meeting room. New members, students and guests are always welcome.
Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, May 11th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation