AUGUST 12 MEETING – Mario Corvetto, Guest Speaker

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A native of Peru, Mario is co-founder of “Andean & Rainforest Expeditions”, “Mondo Verde Expeditions”, and the “Evergreen Photo Alliance” stock agency. A multi-ligual, award-winning photographer, he has donated his time to NGOs including the American Refugee Committee, Catholic Relief Services, and World Vision International to create image banks to raise support for people traumatized and displaced by war. He has also worked on assignment with UNICEF to promote issues of children’s rights, nutrition and health care.

A native of Peru, Mario is co-founder of “Andean & Rainforest Expeditions”, “Mondo Verde Expeditions”, and the “Evergreen Photo Alliance” stock agency. A multi-ligual, award-winning photographer, he has donated his time to NGOs including the American Refugee Committee, Catholic Relief Services, and World Vision International to create image banks to raise support for people traumatized and displaced by war. He has also worked on assignment with UNICEF to promote issues of children’s rights, nutrition and health care. A visit to these websites ( & will better illustrate some of his work. The Public is invited to join us for an informative and entertaining evening, Tuesday, August 12th, at 7 PM (6:30 social time) at Evergreen Firer Station #2 in Bergen Park.