by ecc

September’s Theme for critique/competition, inspired by our last guest – Mario Corvetto. Mario’s shots largely focused on people.. varieties of portraits taken during his travels, portraying something of the life, circumstance, natural moment in time captured. If you have a trip to a faraway land planned, WONDERFUL!! Otherwise, faces in the crowd.. interesting moments.. surround us everyday, just about everywhere. See what you can capture, to share with club members at the next meeting..

September’s Theme for critique/competition, inspired by our last guest – Mario Corvetto. Mario’s shots largely focused on people.. varieties of portraits taken during his travels, portraying something of the life, circumstance, natural moment in time captured. If you have a trip to a faraway land planned, WONDERFUL!! Otherwise, faces in the crowd.. interesting moments.. surround us everyday, just about everywhere. See what you can capture, to share with club members at the next meeting..
And forward to Brad at… no later than 8 AM, Monday 9/8. One photo per email, no larger than 5MB. Maximum of three photo submissions per member, in any combination of theme and open category. Include your name, division (A = experienced; B = beginner), and category (theme or open). “Open” category includes any photos not meeting theme criteria, and they are not divided into A and B divisions.