by ecc

October Theme for photo critique/competition is FALL COLORS, easy to find most everywhere this time of year.
Up to three photos per member, to be submitted to Brad at Photos@BCDavidson.com no later than 8 AM, Monday 10/13/08.

October Theme for photo critique/competition is FALL COLORS, easy to find most everywhere this time of year.
Up to three photos per member, to be submitted to Brad at Photos@BCDavidson.com no later than 8 AM, Monday 10/13/08.
Please submit one photo per email, no larger than 5MB, along with your name, division (A = experienced; B = beginner), and whether for the category of “theme” or “open”. Open category includes any photos not meeting theme criteria. Up-to-date info on theme and submission instructions can always be found to the left of our webpage www.EvergreenCameraClub.com under the link for “Assignments”.