by ecc

Bighorn Sheep Field Trip Scheduled Saturday, Nov. 19

This will be our 4th annual Field Trip to photograph Bighorn Sheep in the rut. As in past years we will meet at Starbucks along I-70 at Downieville and break into groups of 10 or so to drive to the best viewing locations. I will be scouting to map the prime locations Friday morning so we’ll have a fair idea where to find the animals on Saturday.

Here’s the tentative Plan for Saturday:

• Meet for coffee at approx. 6:30 AM at Starbucks I-70 at Downieville; leave Starbucks in 2-3 groups by approx. 7:00 AM.

Bighorn Sheep Field Trip Scheduled Saturday, Nov. 19

This will be our 4th annual Field Trip to photograph Bighorn Sheep in the rut. As in past years we will meet at Starbucks along I-70 at Downieville and break into groups of 10 or so to drive to the best viewing locations. I will be scouting to map the prime locations Friday morning so we’ll have a fair idea where to find the animals on Saturday.

Here’s the tentative Plan for Saturday:

• Meet for coffee at approx. 6:30 AM at Starbucks I-70 at Downieville; leave Starbucks in 2-3 groups by approx. 7:00 AM.
(I will recruit a couple volunteer helpers to lead each group to the designated locations)
• Rotate the groups during the morning so that everyone will get an opportunity at each location.
• End the morning by approx. 11:30 for lunch. We have gone to Jenny’s in Empire, but I’m thinking about Smokin Yards in Idaho Springs If you have any thoughts on lunch, please let me know.

We generally have a fairly large group for this field trip ….. possibly over 30 …… so I’d like an indication of how many to plan for. Please do a reply to this email, or call me at (303) 526-9138 if you plan to attend.

Some years the sheep are very accessible, close to the road, and some years it will take your longest lens to capture them. I’ll do my best to get them as close as possible, and to make certain the rams are doing battle with lots of head butting ……. :-).

I will post a reminder with any updates on weather or any other factors as we get closer to the date. I’ll also need to make a lunch reservation once I determine how many to expect. Please contact me with any questions, comments or suggestions.

-/_ _/-
-/_/- Tom
<. .>
* elkmtnman