by ecc

Enjoy the later sunset on the first day of daylight savings time. We are going to meet near the lake house at 5pm and photograph birds, elk, people, and sunsets. Whatever you would like. It will be a great opportunity to get to know the club members. We’ll all go out to dinner afterwards. If you are new and show up later we shouldn’t be too hard to spot since we’ll be the ones with the cameras! The local newspaper, the Canyon Courier, will be there too doing a feature story on us. For further information contact

Enjoy the later sunset on the first day of daylight savings time. We are going to meet near the lake house at 5pm and photograph birds, elk, people, and sunsets. Whatever you would like. It will be a great opportunity to get to know the club members. We’ll all go out to dinner afterwards. If you are new and show up later we shouldn’t be too hard to spot since we’ll be the ones with the cameras! The local newspaper, the Canyon Courier, will be there too doing a feature story on us. For further information contact

Email your favorite Sunday photo(s) to Doug at the Canyon Courier by Wednesday, March 16. They are going to include the best ones in a full page spread!
Make sure you include with the photo:
— Photographer’s first and last name
— Age (not required, but having age for various members will show readers the range of ages in club)
— Where you reside– Evergreen, Kittredge, etc.
— Comment about photo — such as why you like it, unique thing you had to do to get it, etc.
Doug’s address: