JULY 8TH MEETING – Weldon Lee, Guest Speaker

by ecc

The Public is invited to attend our next Monthly Meeting when the Guest Speaker will be Wildlife Photographer, Writer, and Photo Tour Operator, Weldon Lee. Travelling the globe photographing wildlife in their natural, and often exotic, habitat Weldon is best able to capture the essence of their personalities. His work has been exhibited in the Denver Museum of Natural History, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, featured on all the major TV networks, as well as in numerous magazines. His website www.WeldonLee.com best describes his work.


by ecc

I hope a number of you are planning on the field trip at 8 a.m. on this coming Saturday, June
21st. We need to announce a change in MEETING PLACE. Originally slated for Lair ‘O the
Bear Open Space Park, we are changing the field trip to MYERS RANCH OPEN SPACE PARK.
This park is found at Aspen Park just off Highway 285 at the South Turkey Creek Road exit.
Wildflowers have dried up at Lair ‘O the Bear and the trail is hot. North slope and varied
habitat make MYERS RANCH a better choice. Please email me with any questions. Sorry for


by ecc

The theme for July is “Sports Photography” prompted by our last guest speaker, Sports Photographer Eric Bakke. Again, there will be an additional “Open” Category for submissions that do not meet criteria for theme. Three submissions per member, in any combination of the two categories, will be critiqued.. as well as judged for the month’s winning photo(s) and honorable mentions. Theme Category will include Divisions “A” (experienced) and “B” (beginner). Open Category, one division only.

JUNE 24TH MENTORING SESSION – Charles Dirks – “Curves” in Photoshop

by ecc

June’s Mentoring Meeting will be led by Club Member Charles Dirks, who will be covering “Curves”, a powerful and flexible adjustment tool in Photoshop.
During the Session we will work on using Curves to bring out detail in the shadows, adding contrast, and also touching on adjusting colors. Interesting and informative info for enhancing our editing skills. All skill levels welcome. Tuesday, 7 PM (6:30 social time) at Evergreen Fire Station #2 in Bergen Park.


by ecc

Lair O’ the Bear Open Space Park on Hwy 74, Main Parking Lot, 8 AM Saturday, June 21st.
Field Trip will be led by Club Members Lorrie McAllister and Donna Dannen, well versed in Wild Flowers. Researched, hike holds potential for a fun ‘Day Trip’ close to home. Setting out east along Bear Creek Trail… this is mostly an easy walk of about one mile in distance. Some uphill, but easy bail-out for those prefering to walk about half-a-mile. Scouting trip revealed potential for wildlife including deer, osprey, and an active beaver pond, as well as water shots along Bear Creek.

JUNE 10TH MEETING – Eric Bakke, Guest Speaker

by ecc

June’s Guest Speaker will be local photographer, Eric Bakke, whose career spans over two decades. Eric’s work includes a wide variety of topics best explained by visiting his website www.EricBakke.com. Sports Photography, the focus solicited for June’s presentation. Please join us for an interesting evening, Tuesday, June 10th (6:30 – social time) 7 PM at Evergreen Fire Station #2 in Bergen Park


by ecc

The theme for June, “B&W Landscape”. Monthly themes, directed at broadening our interests and expanding our skills, seem to not always appeal to all members. Hence, some changes have been made to entry format. Three entries per member will continue. In addition to monthly theme, there will also be an “Open” category for any photos not meeting theme criteria. Entries for Critique and Competition can be entered in any combination of the two categories, totaling a maximum of three entries. Theme entries will fall into “A” (experienced) and “B” (beginner) categories.

Mentoring Session – May 27 – Brad Davidson

by ecc

May’s Mentoring Meeting will be led by Brad Davidson, and will center around the uses for “Flash”. Brad has taken some outstanding shots in the past, including water droplets, with many wondering how he accomplished such. This will be our opportunity to gain insight.. possibly with a lab type demonstration. These sessions are excellent opportunities to learn thru the exchange of ideas. All skill levels welcome. Tuesday, 5/27 at 7 PM (6:30 social time) at Evergreen Fire Station #2 in Bergen Park.

MAY 13th Meeting – Susan Lange, Guest Speaker

by ecc

Our May Monthly Meeting will feature another local Guest Speaker, Conifer H.S. Photography Teacher – Susan Lange. Susan’s expertise includes black & white close-up landscapes, polaroid transfers, and working with toy cameras. Her Club Presentation will largely focus on B&W landscapes. Join us for an interesting evening – Tuesday, May 13th (6:30 social time, meeting follows) at Evergreen Fire Station #2 in Bergen Park. The Public is welcome!

May Assignment

by ecc

The theme is “Architecture” and will play off of the “Doors Open Denver” Annual Event, our April (12th & 13th) Field Trip. Please go to www.DenverGov.Org/DoorsOpenDenver for a listing of subject bldgs. Members are asked to take “5 photos of any one building”, creating a description of the building.. as seen thru their eyes. There should be a ‘lead’ picture when submitting, with an additional 4 photos. This will be the month’s critique/competition entry, and we will once again resume the two Divisions (A=experienced; B=beginner).

Evergreen Camera Club