Denver Architecture Trip the Weekend of 4/12 – 4/13

by ecc

In April we will be doing a Denver Architecture Trip the Wknd of 4/12-13. This Field Trip is timed to coincide with the Annual “Doors Open Denver” event, sponsored by the Denver A.I.A. (American Institute of Architects). Doors are open to buildings not always open to the Public, ranging from commercial bldgs to residential lofts, to cutting edge designs. More on how this field trip will be structured as we draw nearer and the property lists are made available.

Monte Vista – Migrating Cranes – Weekend of March 15th & 16th

by ecc

March Field Trip took place last weekend, as we witnessed the Annual Migration of the Sandhill Cranes. San Luis Valley’s oldest visitors, the Sandhill Cranes begin their annual trek from south to north, stopping off near the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge to load up on fuel. For millions of years, the Sandhills have been spending their Spring Break in Colorado’s Valley, and more recently wild life watchers have been drawn to wonder at this phenomenal natural spectacle.

April 8th Meeting – Photographer & Author Mike Strunk

by ecc

Our Guest Speaker will be ECC Club Member Mike Strunk. Mike, a long-time Evergreen resident, has enjoyed a long career as an open space planner with the U.S. National Park Service and several consulting firms. An award-winning photographer, Mike has photographed open lands, ranches, and historic sites throughout the West for over 40 yrs. During this time, he has amassed more than 90,000 images in his personal archives.

April Assignment

by ecc

Katie Taft, our March Guest Speaker, concluded her presentation by challenging our group with an assignment, which we shall use as the theme for our next critique/competition. Katie has asked that we construct a scene, setting-up what it is we choose to photograph, and for which there should be a narrative quality. For better ideas of how this works, and to stimulate our creative process, she has supplied the names of some artists who do just this.

March 25th Mentoring Session – Pat Gautier

by ecc

Entitled “More Digital File Basics”, Pat will continue the series expanding our knowledge of digital files and their management. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend, new and valuable information for the novice as well as interesting refresher for the more experienced. 7 PM (6:30 social time) at Evergreen Fire Station #2 in Bergen Park.

March 11th Meeting – Featuring Katie Taft

by ecc

Our Guest Speaker will be Photographer Katie Taft from WORKING WITH ARTISTS, the Digital & Film Photographic Arts School in Denver. A slightly different twist from some of our past guests, this promises to be informative and entertaining. Please join us on Tuesday, March 11th at Evergreen Fire Station #2 in Bergen Park. Social time (6:30 -7:00) followed by Presentation.

Mentoring Session – February 26th – Betty Holling

by ecc

Club Member Betty Holling will lead this month’s Mentoring Session sharing some of her extensive photo editing know how. Betty has been working with Photoshop for about seven years on a Windows Platform, and has taken several classes on working with Photoshop. Classes include a SantaFe Workshop, and a class given by NANPA (No. American Nature Photographers Assn.). Everyone is encouraged to bring a laptop, and thru the use of a transfer stick with photos – provided by Betty, we will be able to edit along with her.

March Assignment

by ecc

Theme for the March competition/critique will play off of our most recent guest speaker, Jacob Ware, and get us thinking along the lines of a Photojournalist. “Pictures that tell a story”… interpretation for this theme limited only by your imagination. We’re all familiar with media stories and the pictures that accompany them. There are the ones that stand out in our minds, history making, as well as the ones that are simply cute, interesting, ‘in the moment’. Have fun with it!

February 12th Meeting – Photojournalist Jacob Ware, Guest Speaker

by ecc

The Public is invited to attend our next monthly meeting when our guest speaker will be Jacob Ware of Concept Photography Inc. in Denver. A photographer for ten years, Jacob has a degree in photojournalism and has worked for a number of news outlets including The Associated Press, The St. Louis Post Dispatch, and The Aspen Times. He began a freelance career in Denver in 2001, and started Concept Photography Inc. in 2007 where he continues to make unforgettable images as a freelance photojournalist.

Evergreen Camera Club