OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2019 T&T: Mounting Photos for Library Display

by ecc

NOTICE: We are looking for more photos so are holding a second mounting event:

If you have photos that need mounting for the exhibit, there is a mounting workshop planned for 2 pm on Tuesday, November 19th. Please RSVP. Email ECC@evergreencameraclub.com to let us know if you’re bringing photos to mount or to drop off for the library exhibit.

November 19, 2019


NOTICE: This event was rescheduled due to a winter weather warning – Now on November 6th

November 6, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

he Evergreen Camera Club has the exhibition wall in the Evergreen Library reserved for displaying our photographs in the month of DECEMBER. This is a large space, and can easily hold 60-100 photos, depending on size and arrangement, so there is room for EVERYONE to show some of their work. The easiest way to display your photos is to mount then on foam board and use Velcro to stick them to the wall.

At this Tips and Techniques meeting we will be mounting prints on foam boards. ECC will provide the material and expertise so you can mount your photos for the exhibit. So, gather up your photos. Size can vary. Many photos need to be 8×10 or larger to show well. They can be much larger if you prefer. Depending on the subject and how much they grab attention via color or contrast, some could be smaller.

This will be an excellent opportunity for members to bring their prints and get help mounting the prints to a backing suitable for display at the library.

For the library display, photos can be in frames, or mounted on foam board, or whatever. They need not all be mounted the same. The main wall is fabric-covered wood, and nails can be driven into it to hang framed photos with hanging wire.

You may also bring photos which are already prepared for the exhibit and we will collect them.

September 2019 T&T: Capturing Sharp Detail with Your Telephoto Lens with Owen Newnan

by Lorrie McAllister
September 2019 T&T: Capturing Sharp Detail with Your Telephoto Lens with Owen Newnan

POST EVENT UPDATE — Download Ownen’s presentation from this interesting event here: Capturing Sharp Detail with your Telephoto Lens

Evergreen Camera Club’s Tips & Techniques will feature Owen Newnan discussing the concepts, and metrics which contribute to achieving sharper focus with your telephoto lens.

In addition to explaining accepted techniques for getting sharp photos, we’ll discuss a few surprising results and lesser known methods to ensure the finer details are captured.

Presentation begins at 7 pm; arrive early for social time. Members, guests and students welcome!

May 2019 T&T — Long Exposure Photography with KelbyOne

by ecc
May 2019 T&T — Long Exposure Photography with KelbyOne

May 22, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

Have you ever wondered how people create those amazing photographs where it seems the clouds are still moving across the scene, where flowing water has become a ghostly mist, or where the stars appear to be streaking across the sky?

Evergreen Camera Club’s Tips & Techniques will feature a KelbyOne video presentation followed by a discussion led by Lorrie McAllister.

Doors open at 6:30 pm for social time.

Members, guests and students welcome.

April 2019 T&T — Connie Rudd:
Achieving the Best Focus with Connie Rudd

by ecc
April 2019 T&T — Connie Rudd:<br> Achieving the Best Focus with Connie Rudd

April 24, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

Evergreen Camera Club’s Tips & Techniques will feature a video presentation followed by a discussion led by our own Connie Rudd.
Learn what factors come into play in getting great, sharp focus, and discover new ways of making your subject tell your story.

Doors open at 6:30 for social time.

Members, guests and students welcome.

March 2019 T&T
Charles Dirks – Basics of Using a Flash

by ecc

March 27, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

The goal of this T&T is to be able to dig down to the bottom of the camera
bag, find the flash we bought when we bought the camera and actually feel like we can use the flash to get better pictures.

Todays flash units often come with nearly as many settings as our cameras. Which of these settings are required, which are useful and are there some (hopefully) that we can set once and forget or never use?

I will share my flash settings and explain how I can just pick up my flash and simply turn it on and get predictable results every time. I do have one camera setting I use occasionally, flash compensation and we will go over when, why and how.

Hopefully, your flash can move from the “I have one, but never use it” to “I use it every time it is needed”. There are certainly times where the flash will not solve all your lighting situations, but there are several lighting problems that a flash will help.

Bring your flash if you want.

Doors open at 6:30 for social time.

Members, guests and students welcome.

February 2019 T&T
Michael Cahoon – Smart Phone Photography

by ecc

February 27, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

There’s a wise saying among experienced photographers: “The Best Camera is the One You Have With You”.

Our mobile phones are always close at hand. What must you know to take award winning photos with such a lightweight affordable device?

We will explore different ways to open the camera app, achieve perfect focus, in-camera workflow choices to achieve fabulous photos, and much more.

This talk will not be about composition, lighting choices, and other such photography skills.

Doors open at 6:30.

Members, guests and students welcome! No RSVP would be nice, but not necessary. Bring your smart phone!

January 2019 T&T:
Tom Goldberg – Lightroom Classic Basics

by Tom Goldberg

January 23, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

Attendees and others who would like materials from this event can access:
Lightroom Keyboard Cheat Sheet — DOWNLOAD
Lightroom Presentation Slides pdf — DOWNLOAD

Event Description:
Tom Goldberg is an experienced Adobe user who’s good at explaining the fundamentals.

This course will be for beginner and intermediate Lightroom users and will attempt to cover the following:

> Organizing your Photos
– where to put them
– how to use the LR library
– picking and rating
– collections

> Adjusting your Photos
– basics
– adding pop
– corrections in LR

> Open Discussion

This will be a lecture and demo, no hands-on.
Doors open 6:30 pm for social time.

OCTOBER 2018 T&T: Mounting Photos for Library Display

by ecc

October 24, 2018
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

The Evergreen Camera Club has the exhibition wall in the Evergreen Library reserved for displaying our photographs in the month of November. This is a large space, and can easily hold 60-100 photos, depending on size and arrangement, so there is room for EVERYONE to show some of their work.

Photos can be in frames, or mounted on foam board, or whatever. They need not all be mounted the same. The main wall is fabric-covered wood, and nails can be driven into it to hang framed photos with hanging wire. The easiest way to display your photos is to mount then on foam board and use Velcro to stick them to the wall.

At the October 24th Tips and Techniques meeting we will be mounting prints on foam boards. ECC will provide the material and expertise so you can mount your photos for the exhibit. So, gather up your photos. Size can vary. Many photos need to be 8×10 or larger to show well. They can be much larger if you prefer. Depending on the subject and how much they grab attention via color or contrast, some could be smaller. Occasionally a 5×7 or maybe a panoramic view, say 4×11, would work.
This will be an excellent opportunity for members to bring their prints and get help mounting the prints to a backing suitable for display at the library.

September 2018 T&T:
Michael Cahoon – Masking, The Pathway to Digital Artistry

by ecc


Michael Cahoon is an experienced Photoshop user with lots of technical tricks up his sleeve.

This talk will focus on how various masking techniques in Photoshop and Lightroom can be used to address the wide dynamic range often found in photographs. Step-by-step procedures that selectively address how the tone of an image can be used to focus or defocus the viewer’s attention or create the balance between the foreground and sky that represents what the photographer saw.

May 23, 2018 T&T: PSA Contest Results and Planning

by ecc


Bill Vogel and Dave Edwards will provide a review of the results of recent submittals to the Photographic Society of America competitions. Then, the group will plan for ECC’s future involvement in PSA contests and seminars.

Evergreen Camera Club