Contest Guidelines:

General meeting contests, if held, are following the main presentation – ECC then holds a critique and contest.

The theme for the each month’s contest is chosen once the speaker is announced and published in each month’s Contest post.

  • Up to TWO images per member per month may be submitted (not including “fun” images)
  • Images must be received by 6 p.m. the Tuesday before the competition
  • Please submit images in JPG file format only.
  • Images will be displayed on an HD projector at 1920×1200, images at other sizes will be scaled as needed
    • Landscape oriented images ideally should be 1920 pixels wide
    • Portrait oriented images ideally should be 1200 pixels tall
  • Images should be no more than 3 years old, and may not be submitted for multiple monthly competitions (may be submitted at a monthly contest and year-end contest)

Usual retouching of photos, such as brightening, red-eye reduction, cropping, is acceptable. If photos have been edited to the point were editing is too obvious (i.e. over saturated) they may be disqualified.

Statement on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Images created by image creation software (frequently called ‘AI’ images) are not allowed in any competition governed by Evergreen Camara Club, other than for editorial purposes.

Submissions are accepted from paid members only. The critique is typically done by club members, and contestant names are anonymous, with only the winners’ names announced. Seeing a variety of images and hearing an expert review of the submissions is a great way to learn how to improve your photography.

In addition to the main theme, contestants may submit images for our fun category. This category is for any photo you would like to submit. It will not be judged, just shown to the audience for fun!! The entries could be funny moments, oops moments, cute, bad backgrounds, ah shots, etc. (Or let’s see some of your worst selfies!!)

Images must be uploaded through the Contest Entry menu item under Contest above.

If your images are for a family account, make each image file name contain the submitter’s name (e.g., jsmith_reallyniceimage01.jpg) – uploaded images have your user name added automatically, but we won’t know which family member.

By submitting an image, you give Evergreen Camera Club permission to post the image on our website and to use the image in promoting the club – you of course retain ownership of the image.