April 10, 2018


This organization shall be known as EVERGREEN CAMERA CLUB, INC.


The purpose of this camera club is to bring together beginners and professionals and all other persons who share a passion for photography, and are interested in acquiring and developing an appreciation of the art and techniques of photography.

The objective is to be furthered by:

Providing opportunities for exchange of techniques and ideas in all areas of photography.

Provide regular meetings with informative programs for the members.

  • One monthly main meeting with a presentation and competition with constructive analysis.
  • A second monthly meeting for technical information and tips.

Organize field trips to photograph nature and wildlife and other subjects.

Work with other local camera clubs for group outings and exchange of speakers and ideas.

Promote fellowship and mutual aid.

The club shall be conducted or operated for the benefit of membership as a whole and no part of any profits or remainder of residue from dues, fees or donations to the club shall inure to the benefit of any individual member.


The day and time of the monthly meetings shall be determined by the membership.

Special meetings shall be determined by the leadership committee.

Locations for all meeting shall by determined by the leadership committee.

The format of the meetings shall be determined by the leadership committee.

The agenda for each meeting shall be determined by the club officers.


The fiscal year shall start on January 1st of each year and end on December 31st.


Membership to the club shall be open to anyone who has an interest in photography, digital or film.

Annual dues are due at the January meeting.  Notice of such dues will appear in the monthly newsletter which is sent to all members.  New members signing up in November or December and paying their dues will be in compliance for the following year.  Those signing up in July through October will pay one half of the annual fees.

New members will be required to fill out a form that is found on the Evergreen Camera Club website: evergreencameraclub.com.  Payment can be submitted via the internet, via mail, or at the next regular scheduled meeting.

The paying of dues allows the member to participate in all club functions: submitting of photo for the monthly competition, sharing of the PSA magazine, and participating in field trips.

Any person who has not paid annual dues by July 1st shall be dropped from the active roster and will so be notified via email.  There are different types of membership:

  • Individuals
  • Family-two or more immediate family member
  • Student – any person who is attending a school or college.


The officers shall consist of:

President: preside at all club and special meetings (including the annual planning meeting).  Develop and appoint a chair for all committees, such as a nominating committee for new officers. To monitor all club activities and authorize any and all expenditures.

Vice President: preside at all meeting when the president is not available and assist the president whenever possible.  To work with the program committee in obtaining judges and speakers, including proposing a judge for the annual end of year meeting and competition.

Treasurer:  file the annual tax statements with the IRS.  Accept payments for dues and event fees and deposit such moneys into the bank account. Keep the bank account balanced and up to date.  Provide the membership with an accounting of the club’s finances and present an annual budget at the January meeting.

Secretary:  Provide and keep minutes of all meetings.  These minutes shall include the presenter’s name and business (if any), the judge of the competition and the winners of the competition.  Any correspondence required of the club will be handled by the secretary, in cooperation with the President.


Election of officers shall be held annually at the November membership meeting and be inducted into their new position at the January meeting.

The nominating committee shall be comprised of the club officers and will convene before the September meeting to compose a list of candidates.  Candidates will be contacted for their consent and will be presented at the October meeting.  Additional nominations may be made from the floor, providing that the nominated individual has previously agreed to serve as a club officer. Candidates must be members in good standing. Voting will take place at the November meeting.


The overall management of the club shall be directed by the Executive Board.  The Board shall consist of the officers from the previous year and the new officers that were elected at the November meeting.

Any member of the Executive Board missing three consecutive meeting shall no longer be invited to board meetings, viable excused absences excepted.

The Executive Board shall meet at least once a year before the January monthly meeting to lay out the years activities, appoint committees, review the new budget and address any concerns that may be brought up at the meeting.  The chairs of any committees, and members at large appointed by the president, and the past presidents of the club are also invited to attend.

Other Executive Board meetings may be called by the President as the need arises.


If any position becomes vacant due to resignations, outside job requirements, or physically moving their residences, the vacant position shall be filled by a person appointed by the President.


The president will appoint chairs for the various committees as the need arises, depending on the needs, participation and interests of the membership.  It is suggested but not mandatory that a club officer or a member of the executive board be on each committee to assure communication between the committees and the offices/executive board members.

  • Programs: will secure speakers for main monthly presentation meetings and tips and techniques meetings. Works with Exhibitions & Special Events to develop workshops and seminars.
  • Membership: will keep a list of all members who have and have not paid their dues and to notify the officers of all new members. Membership is responsible for communicating dues status to members and for tracking attendance at meetings.
  • Exhibitions & Special Events: Includes the organizing of photographs to be hung on the wall of the Evergreen Library, and organizing the annual end of year meeting and competition. Works with Programs Committee to develop workshops and seminars.
  • Field Trips: Coordination of the participants and the locations of any group field trips. Notice of, and details of the trip to be presented at the monthly meeting.
  • Photographic Society of America Membership: All activities, submissions, to the Photographic Society of America to be guided by this committee. Responsible for keeping PSA Journals and sharing them with members at monthly meetings.
  • Marketing and Communications: Efforts to increase participation in the club shall be born by this committee, through such means as local advertising and presentations, and communications with members and potential members via newsletters, social media, email and other means.
  • Club to Club coordination: To keep posted what other clubs in our area are doing and if they can offer any speakers, discounts, or technical information.


The initiation fee (if any) and monthly dues shall be set by the Executive Board.  Membership dues, event fees and voluntary contributions shall constitute the main source of revenue for the conduct and affairs of the club.  Categories of annual dues are as follows: Individual, Family (multiple household members) and Student (attending school or college).


Budget expenditures shall be approved by the president in consultation with the treasurer.

Expenditures not included in the budget shall require Executive Board approval.  This approval/disapproval may be obtained via email.


These bylaws may be amended at any business meeting of the general membership of this club provided that any suggested changes have been presented to the membership in written or electronic form one month previously.

A vote of 2/3 of the members present at the main monthly meeting shall be required to ratify such amendments or revision to the bylaws.


 The club may be dissolved at any time by the written consent of not less than two-thirds of the members. In the event of the dissolution of the club other than for purposes of reorganization whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, benefit to any member is limited to a refund of dues paid for the current year. After payment of all the debts of the club and any refund of dues to members, its property and assets shall be given to club or organization benefiting photographers, selected by 2/3 of the vote of the members present at a meeting that will be held not less than 30 days following the closing of the books.