February 23rd Special Meeting: Calling All ECC Members

by Tom Goldberg
February 23rd Special Meeting: Calling All ECC Members

Evergreen Camera Club Organization Meeting

Your club has been moving forward over the past 2 years primarily under the efforts of Topics Chair Ellen Nelson, Web Manager Tom Goldberg, Treasurer Bill Vogle and Membership Chair Dick Oltman. As Covid wanes and the opportunity to get back to full club activities begins to look possible, we are in need of some additional members to step forward to help make this possible.

Would you like to see us do contests again? Would you want to hold field trips as we did in the past? Are you willing to put some of your time into the club going forward? Do you have ideas about what we should be doing and how we can get there? Could you put a bit of the energy you have for photography into our organization to help with our goals?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join us in an ECC Leadership Zoom Meeting on Wednesday February 23rd and be ready to sign up to help us make all this happen.

Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, January 26th
6:30 pm Introductions leading directly into discussions


February 23


06:30 pm - 08:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/Evergreen-Camera-Club-Photography-Meetup/events/284158408

Evergreen Camera Club Photography Meetup

Email: Evergreen-Camera-Club-list@meetup.com Website: https://www.meetup.com/Evergreen-Camera-Club-Photography-Meetup/