Going on a cruise? Come tonight and get useful photography tips

by ecc
Going on a cruise? Come tonight and get useful photography tips

Dick Oltman has offered to host this month’s Tips and Techniques meeting which falls on the fourth Wednesday of each month. This month he is going to talk about how to get great photographs while on a cruise. These presentations are always full of useful information for both beginning and advanced photographers. We’ll be at the fire station around 6:30pm, so if you want to show up early, that’s great! See you then!


February 26


07:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.meetup.com/Evergreen-Camera-Club-Photography-Meetup/events/268971101/

Evergreen Camera Club Photography Meetup

Website: https://www.meetup.com/Evergreen-Camera-Club-Photography-Meetup/

Evergreen Fire & Rescue

1802 Bergen Parkway

Evergreen, CO, US