Come see rapidly-emerging photographer Tom Heywood’s informative presentation, “Let Photography Pay for Itself”. Tom has tried almost everything to sell his photos. But he has found his niche selling his photographic art at fine art fairs. Exhibiting at around 25 fairs a year, he has learned much about the business and will share what he has learned. Tom will discuss the ins and outs, upsides and downsides of some of the options photographers have to sell their work.
Doors open at 6:30. Visitors, guests and students are encouraged to attend.
Also, see the Meetup for the pre-meeting dinner at Beau Thai.
Remember to submit photos for the monthly critique and contest. The November themes are: Lucky Shot (right time, right place) and our rotating theme, Landscapes. You may also submit Fun shots in addition to three images for critique. http://evergreencameraclub.com/index.php/category/contest/
Evergreen Fire & Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway
Evergreen, CO, US