September 14th General Meeting: Photographing places of Worship with Padma Inguva

by Ellen Nelson

While countless photographers attempt to photograph churches, few succeed in capturing images that are as breathtaking as the churches themselves. The reason? Photographing the inside of a church is hard. It takes an advanced skillset to capture the three-dimensional beauty, found in reality with such high dynamic range, and convey the same level of emotion in the two-dimensional plane of a photograph.

Evergreen Camera Club has invited Padma Inguva to showcase her Places of Worship portfolio. She will explain the equipment she uses, how she plans her visits, her research, the proper etiquette observed while photographing, what settings to use when using a tripod vs. shooting handheld, how to process the images after the capture to bring life to the images etc. See her inspiring images at

This is a virtual Zoom meeting, so log in with Evergreen Camera Club on Wednesday, September 14th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm. New members, students and guests are welcome.

Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, September 14th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation

Zoom Link: