January 11th 2023 General Meeting: Wildlife and Birds of the Galapagos with Ron Belak and Peg Linn
Wildlife and Birds of the Galapagos and Mainland Ecuador
Evergreen Camera Club is meeting in person to present club members Ron Belak and Peg Linn!
Ron and Peg spent 18 days in Ecuador in 2017, touring along the spine of the Andes from Quito south to Cuenca, visiting the famous hummingbird site at Bella Vista and cruising the islands of the Galapagos with 13 other guests on a small boat that traveled between the islands. Although they did not check off all 131 species of Ecuadoran hummingbirds, they will present photos of their favorites as well as other species in the cloud forest and on the paramo—Ecuador’s term for the tundra. They will also share photos featuring 19,000-foot volcanoes, alpine lakes and desert islands, and offer tips on photographing the birds and wildlife.
Evergreen Camera Club is meeting in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) so join ECC on Wednesday, January 11th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm. We will have NO ZOOM for this meeting.
New members, students and guests are welcome. See the ECC website and future ECC emails for details.
Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, January 11 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO