Are You Over 65?

If you are on Medicare, you can get free money for our club!
In case you didn’t know, ECC has a partnership with Element3 Health that is a win-win for you and our club. Element3 Health works with health plans like UnitedHealthcare to keep their members physically, socially and mentally active in activity clubs like ours. You can earn money for the club every time you participate in a photography-related activity. There is no cost at all to you – in fact, the funds you earn will offset your membership dues and contribute to club operating costs.
- Sign up at All you will need is your health plan ID card to determine if you are eligible
- To report your photo activities for this year (2023) CLICK HERE NOTE: this link has been updated as of April 2023 – activities reported earlier this year should be re-entered
- You can report up to 10 activities per month – most of us participate in photography related things more often than that
- You will be able to take up to 6 months to report activities for the first half of the year – Remember, an activity does NOT have to be a ECC sanctioned event
Here is a partial list of activities that could count:
Club Events
Club Meetings (virtual or in-person)
Taking photos
Organizing photos
Adding key words, flags or star ratings
Editing photos in Photoshop or LR
Posting photos on social media
Working on your photography website
Shopping for camera equipment
Setting up your camera
Developing film
Social outings with other club members
Reading photography related articles or watching tutorials