March 12th 2025 General Meeting: Making Street Photographs & Street Portraits with Kenneth Wadja

by Tom Goldberg
March 12th 2025 General Meeting: Making Street Photographs & Street Portraits with Kenneth Wadja

Kenneth Wadja
Making Street Photographs & Street Portraits

Join Kenneth and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, March 12th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Kenneth’s presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option. See the post for more:

New members, students and guests are welcome.

November 13th 2024 General Meeting: iPhone Photography from A to Z with Dawn Wilson

by Tom Goldberg
November 13th 2024 General Meeting: iPhone Photography from A to Z with Dawn Wilson

iPhone Photography From A to Z

They say the best camera to is the one you have with you! And the camera most of us always have with us is the one that fits in our pocket – the cell phone. The cameras on today’s phones have tremendous capabilities – from night photography to editing photos in the palm of your hand.

Professional and award-winning nature photographer and writer, Dawn Wilson, will discuss the ways you can use your phone for photography – and when it isn’t the better option, tips for composing photos with the cell phone camera, apps for editing and more. The presentation content is focused on the iPhone iOS, but many of the features covered are available on the Android OS phones as well.

Join Dawn and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, November 13th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Dawn’s presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

See the Meeting listing for details.

Promoting Respect and Awareness for Wildlife Through the Lens of a Camera

by Tom Goldberg
Promoting Respect and Awareness for Wildlife Through the Lens of a Camera

Jeff and Wendy
Promoting Respect and Awareness for Wildlife Through the Lens of a Camera

Jeff Torquemada and Wendy Sparks are passionate about preserving all things wild. They have been shooting together for over 40 years and spend hours each week photographing and studying the art of photography, striving to capture images that tell a story and evoke emotion. Jeff and Wendy are always observing and waiting to capture animals in their natural habitat in that perfect light! They do not bait nor risk compromising the welfare of an animal just to capture an image. Jeff and Wendy were awarded Community Active Wildlife Stewards of the Year in 2022 and helped establish the River Otter Ambassador program to educate the public on how to appreciate and coexist with urban wildlife such as the river otter.

Join Jeff and Wendy and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, July 10th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with their presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

Click Here for details.

2022 Holiday Party and Year End Competition

by Tom Goldberg
2022 Holiday Party and Year End Competition
MEMBERS ONLY In Person Dinner Party and Photo Contest

Time: Wednesday, December 14th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Click Here to Register

Location: Troutdale Tavern
30790 Stagecoach Blvd
Evergreen, CO


  • Grilled chicken breast
  • salmon filet
  • holiday Waldorf salad
  • mixed greens
  • holiday vegetable medley
  • rice pilaf
  • dessert

Drinks: Non-alcoholic beverages provided; cash bar available

Cost: $30/person

Photo Contest

Judge: Jeff Johnson

Enter two photos (maximum) per person as a beginner or advanced photographer.

Choose any of the four subject categories as a beginner or advanced entry:

  • People
  • Landscape/Scenery
  • Animals/Wildlife
  • Miscellaneous

Submit your entries by logging in on this website to access the menu item “Contest” and then the “Year-End Contest”
Entries must be submitted by 6:00 pm Monday, December 12th. Submitter must be an ECC member in good standing and in attendance to win.

Awarded in each category, Best Image of the Year and Best Image of the Year Runner-Up, Beginner (if there are enough entries) and Advanced.

New members, students and guests welcome
Must be a member to participate in contest

July 14th General Meeting: Seasons of Our Mountains Voting!

by Tom Goldberg
July 14th General Meeting: Seasons of Our Mountains Voting!


Yes, it’s that time again, our camera club will be sorting through all the submissions we’ve received for this year’s calendar to select 25 finalists to be voted on by the general public. Only camera club members may participate in this preselection phase, so only camera club members will see all those beautiful photos! Complete details are on our website at

If you haven’t entered your photos yet, be sure to go to our website at to submit them – submitting photos is open to EVERYONE.

Macro & Wildlife Imaging & Creation

by ecc
Macro & Wildlife Imaging & Creation

“Let’s talk Macro and Wildlife image capture & creation,” Bob Coates writes, “[I want to offer] something a little different for you in this program. We’ll talk about things that can help you better create macro and wildlife images. I’ll share some gear suggestions to make your life easier and add in some techniques and a few file processing tips and tricks.” Bob is sure to inform and entertain with this presentation that should have something for every level of photographer.

Coates is a Lens Based Artist and has had the honor and privilege to author books and articles on photography and has presented seminars and programs from Hawaii to the Caribbean. He is a successful commercial and fine art photographer based in Sedona, Arizona with his wonderful wife who makes it possible for him to do all he does in the photography industry.

Evergreen Camera Club is continuing with the Zoom meeting format, so join ECC on Wednesday, September 9th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm in the Zoom meeting room. See the ECC website and future ECC emails for the Zoom link.

Backyard Wildlife Photography with Ellen Nelson

by ecc
Backyard Wildlife Photography with Ellen Nelson

Special Web Meeting Using ZOOM – NOT AT Evergreen Fire and Rescue
Wednesday, April 8 at 7:00 pm ( – aka social time)

Keep shooting! Even though we are all quarantined, we can still continue to keep busy with our cameras. Take this unusual downtime to grow and enhance your skills. Professional photographer Ellen Nelson will offer some strategies and suggestions to photograph wildlife and nature in your own backyard, wherever your location. She will also offer tips for reviewing your past images to understand what makes a good wildlife photo and separate the zeroes from the heroes. Join Ellen Nelson for Evergreen Camera Club’s first remote meeting via zoom on April 8th at 7:00 pm (join early to socialize).

If you haven’t Zoomed yet, it is free and easy from any phone, tablet or computer. We recommend you start signing on at 6:30 to work out kinks unless you’ve zoomed on your platform. The link to get you started will be in an email sent to all paid members of record. If you didn’t get the invite or want to join as a visitor, please sent a request email to

Canceled: Drone Photography- a New Perspective

by ecc
Canceled: Drone Photography- a New Perspective

Stephanie McCollister Cox is a Colorado landscape photographer who also enjoys street photography, astrophotography and fine art photography. In her presentation, she will introduce us to drone photography. She has held a Part 107 pilot certification from the FAA for three years, and, after a little background on how she became interested in capturing aerial images, she will introduce us to her two drones. She’ll talk through some of the considerations for purchasing a drone for photography and discuss regulations and ethics around flying. Her presentation will include examples of the types of images and videos you can capture with a drone and will also introduce some of the challenges of composing and capturing a compelling image from 400 feet in the air.

Her work can be viewed at

Doors open at 6:30 pm for socializing. Members, guests and students welcome!

Join us for dinner with the speaker and other ECC members. Details and sign up on a separate Meetup posting.

Evergreen Camera Club