May 2019 T&T — Long Exposure Photography with KelbyOne

by ecc
May 2019 T&T — Long Exposure Photography with KelbyOne

May 22, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

Have you ever wondered how people create those amazing photographs where it seems the clouds are still moving across the scene, where flowing water has become a ghostly mist, or where the stars appear to be streaking across the sky?

Evergreen Camera Club’s Tips & Techniques will feature a KelbyOne video presentation followed by a discussion led by Lorrie McAllister.

Doors open at 6:30 pm for social time.

Members, guests and students welcome.


by ecc

The Theme for June 2019 was “Street Photography”

The Rotating Theme was “Creative”

Judging was by Ken Wajda.
Contest results were as follows:
(note all images are copyrighted by their creators – please contact us if you want to use these for any purpose)
Click on any image for a larger slide show

Winner: Street Photography Category,
Tom Goldberg

Runner Up: Street Photography Category,
Donna Dannon

Winner: Street Photography Category,
Ann Zimmerman

Winner: Rotating Category (Creative),
Ellen Nelson

Runner Up: Rotating Category (Creative),
Kathy Snead

May 8th 2019 General Meeting:
AMY JOHNSON — Fine Art Dog Portraits

by ecc

Wednesday, May 8 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Pre-meeting Dinner 5:30 pm at
Beau Thai
1262 Bergen Parkway

Dog snapshots may be OK for most, but a fine art dog portrait can really give you “paws” for consideration. Conifer photographer Amy Johnson of Muddy Paws Photography ( specializes in fine art dog photography and will give you a leg up on this dog-eat-dog business that is sure to be a treat. See Amy at the Evergreen Camera Club May 8th meeting at 7:00 pm (come early to socialize or see dinner posting for before meeting dinner details) at the Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building, 1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen.

April 2019 T&T — Connie Rudd:
Achieving the Best Focus with Connie Rudd

by ecc
April 2019 T&T — Connie Rudd:<br> Achieving the Best Focus with Connie Rudd

April 24, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

Evergreen Camera Club’s Tips & Techniques will feature a video presentation followed by a discussion led by our own Connie Rudd.
Learn what factors come into play in getting great, sharp focus, and discover new ways of making your subject tell your story.

Doors open at 6:30 for social time.

Members, guests and students welcome.

April 10th 2019 General Meeting:
TAMMY HAMMOND — Photographic Society of America

by ecc

ALSO Cancelled Due to Another Snow Storm

Are you a PSA member? PSA, or Photographic Society of America (not to be confused with public service announcement, or prostate specific antigen), has numerous member benefits for clubs and individuals.

Evergreen Camera Club has an organizational membership. PSA Colorado Membership Director Tammy Hammond will untangle and examine all of the invaluable details needed to utilize the ECC membership or join PSA as an individual at our April 10th meeting at 7:00 pm (come early to socialize.

Attend the pre-meeting dinner with our speaker at Beau Thai at 5:s0 that day – sign up here.

Sad News from ECC

by ecc

Dave Edwards, a very active and longtime member of the camera club, passed away yesterday. If you’d like to send a card to his family, wife Carol and son Rich, Carol and his son Rich, their address is 23201 Loggers Trail, Evergreen, 80439.

March 2019 T&T
Charles Dirks – Basics of Using a Flash

by ecc

March 27, 2019
7pm (6:30 SOCIAL TIME)

The goal of this T&T is to be able to dig down to the bottom of the camera
bag, find the flash we bought when we bought the camera and actually feel like we can use the flash to get better pictures.

Todays flash units often come with nearly as many settings as our cameras. Which of these settings are required, which are useful and are there some (hopefully) that we can set once and forget or never use?

I will share my flash settings and explain how I can just pick up my flash and simply turn it on and get predictable results every time. I do have one camera setting I use occasionally, flash compensation and we will go over when, why and how.

Hopefully, your flash can move from the “I have one, but never use it” to “I use it every time it is needed”. There are certainly times where the flash will not solve all your lighting situations, but there are several lighting problems that a flash will help.

Bring your flash if you want.

Doors open at 6:30 for social time.

Members, guests and students welcome.

March 13th 2019 General Meeting:
JOSEPH ROYBAL — Off the Beaten Path

by ecc

Cancelled Due to Snow Storm

Wednesday, March 13 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Pre-meeting Dinner 5:30 pm at
Beau Thai
1262 Bergen Parkway

“The path was never there, until someone created it,” professional photographer Joseph Roybal explains in his upcoming presentation, Off the Beaten Path. Join the Evergreen Camera Club on March 13th at 7:00 pm (come early to socialize) at the Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building, 1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen to understand Joseph’s thoughts and techniques to make his images his own. “The idea of Off the Beaten Path has come to me over the years as I make my journey within the craft both seeing the landscape as others have and putting my twist on the scene.”

Joseph Roybal is a professional fine art landscape photographer based in Denver, Colorado. His passion for photography stems simply from his love of the outdoors. His tagline, Explore.Learn.Share., is based on Joseph’s ability to combine his personal experiences in the field with his developing knowledge of the art, and to educate others who share his love for photography. His imagery is presented in a way that speaks to the importance of protecting natural habitats and is reflected in his involvement in organizations such as Rocky Mountain Climate Organization and Protect Our Winters (POW). Joseph is proud to be represented by several of the industry’s leading companies such as AtlasPacks, ZEAL Optics, Mountain Standard, Peak Design and Breakthrough Filters.


by ecc

March, April and May Contests were combined at the May meeting because of snowstorm canceled meetings in March and April.

The Theme for March-April 2019 was “Birds” – these submissions will be judged before the Portrait category
Judging was by Ellen Nelson

The Theme for May 2019 May was “Portraits”
Judging was by Amy Johnson

The Rotating Theme was “Wildlife” …plus the Fun Category
Judging was by Amy Johnson

Contest results were as follows:
(note all images are copyrighted by their creators – please contact us if you want to use these for any purpose)
Click on any image for a larger slide show

Bird Category – Advanced:

Winner: Bird Category, Advanced
Donna Dannen

Runner Up: Bird Category, Advanced
Brian Donovan

Bird Category – Beginner:

Winner: Bird Category, Beginner
Loren Winters

Runner Up: Bird Category, Beginner
Donna Piller


Portrait Category – Advanced:

Winner: Portrait Category, Advanced
Connie Rudd

Runner Up: Portrait Category, Advanced
Dick Oltman

Runner Up: Portrait Category, Advanced
Donna Dannen


Portrait Category – Beginner:

Winner: Portrait Category, Beginner
Ann Zimmerman

Runner Up: Portrait Category, Beginner
Ann Zimmerman


Rotating Category – Wildlife:

Winner: Rotating Category (Wildlife)
Ellen Nelson

Runner Up: Rotating Category (Wildlife)
Lorrie McAllister

Runner Up: Rotating Category (Wildlife)
Ellen Nelson


Evergreen Camera Club