Looking for tips to improve your photography? Feeling like you are in a creative rut and want to take the next step? Join Tom for this Evergreen Camera Club zoom presentation to be inspired and learn new approaches in your photography. Tom will discuss both creative strategies and innovative techniques to help improve your image making, along with offering alternative compositions, creative lighting, maximizing acuity and evoking emotion in the landscape. Tom will also look at how recent technology is opening up new creative techniques in-camera. Tom’s passion and energy for photography is contagious. Get ready for an entertaining and informative discussion on improving your photography.
Join Evergreen Camera Club for Tom’s presentation on Wednesday, March 10th via Zoom for 6:30 pm social time and announcements at 7:00 pm in the Zoom meeting room.
Join Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, March 10th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation
Zoom Link: