May 12th General Meeting: Expedition Antarctica with CHERYL OPPERMAN

by Ellen Nelson

Journey to earth’s southern-most continent through the eyes of award-winning photographer Cheryl Opperman. Experience the wonders of Antarctica and its nearby islands that offer photographers unparalleled opportunities to capture snow covered landscapes and polar wildlife. Combining inspiring imagery with helpful tips on how to prepare for the trip, Cheryl’s insight will ensure you are ready for this once-in-a-lifetime expedition.

Join Evergreen Camera Club for Cheryl’s presentation on Wednesday, May 12th via Zoom for 6:30 pm social time and announcements at 7:00 pm in the Zoom meeting room.

Join Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, May 12th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation

Zoom Link:

March 10th General Meeting: Tom Bol — 15 Ways to Improve your Photography

by Ellen Nelson

Looking for tips to improve your photography? Feeling like you are in a creative rut and want to take the next step? Join Tom for this Evergreen Camera Club zoom presentation to be inspired and learn new approaches in your photography. Tom will discuss both creative strategies and innovative techniques to help improve your image making, along with offering alternative compositions, creative lighting, maximizing acuity and evoking emotion in the landscape. Tom will also look at how recent technology is opening up new creative techniques in-camera. Tom’s passion and energy for photography is contagious. Get ready for an entertaining and informative discussion on improving your photography.

Join Evergreen Camera Club for Tom’s presentation on Wednesday, March 10th via Zoom for 6:30 pm social time and announcements at 7:00 pm in the Zoom meeting room.

Join Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, March 10th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation

Zoom Link:

February 10th General Meeting: Previsualization: Seeing Photographically with Andy Long

by Ellen Nelson

Noted photographer Dorothea Lange had a quote that goes “A camera teaches you how to see without a camera.” When you think about it this is so true. As photographers, we see the world a little differently than other people. This visualization is a conscious process we use to create visually impactful images, whether its landscapes, nature or wildlife.

Andy Long will walk you through the process of several aspects of previsualizing: how an image will appear after the thought process is completed with the click of the shutter button.

Andy is a Lakewood-based photographer and has run First Light Photo Workshops for 26 years. He’s spoken to the Evergreen Camera Club numerous times over the years. Learn more at

Join Evergreen Camera Club for Andy’s presentation on Wednesday, February 10th via Zoom for 6:30 pm social time and announcements at 7:00 pm in the Zoom meeting room.

Wednesday, February 10th
6:30 pm social time
7:00 pm announcements and presentation

The Zoom link for this event is:

January T&T: WTHAMI!!!? with Jeff Johnson

by Ellen Nelson

We’ve all gotten pretty proficient at image processing. But do you know where your images are? Do you know how much hard drive space you are using or how much you have left? How about your backup system . . . is that reliable? If you are struggling with these answers, so are most of your peers. It’s a commonplace theme among us creatives.

Colorado Master Photographer, Artist, Educator and Chief Instigator Jeff Johnson will help simplify your image storage structure as well as file hierarchy and file naming conventions. Don’t worry . . . all is not lost!

Join Evergreen Camera Club for this informative and entertaining Tips & Techniques presentation on Wednesday, January 27th via Zoom for 6:30 pm social time and announcements at 7:00 pm in the Zoom meeting room. See the ECC website (on the home page and under the Meetings/Events menu item) and future ECC emails for the Zoom link.

Join Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, January 27th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation

Zoom Link:

ECC Virtual Holiday Party and Contest

by Ellen Nelson


Evergreen Camera Club is having a virtual holiday party!

Get your holiday hats on and your images ready for the photo contest! We are preparing a virtual, year-end party!
Zoom in at 6:30 pm and have your favorite drink ready to celebrate during the 6:30 to 7:00 Happy Half Hour!

 Time: Wednesday, December 9 at 6:30 – 7:00pm Cocktails and Party
7:00 – 8:30 pm Contest

Location: Your home via Zoom.

Dinner: Is up to you, however, we suggest that you order takeout from Murphy’s Grill in downtown Evergreen. We have given them a heads up that club members may be ordering for a 5:30 to 6:00 pickup!

Drinks: Whatever you have in the fridge or liquor cabinet.

Photo Contest: Judged by Jeff Johnson

Enter three photos (maximum) per person as a beginner or advanced photographer.

Submit your entries by logging onto and uploading on the “Contest Entry” page. You must select the subject category radio button for each image you upload.  It is best to have a meaningful name for your images as well.

Choose any of the four subject categories:

  • People
  • Landscape/Scenery
  • Animals/Wildlife
  • Miscellaneous


Entries must be submitted by 6:00 pm Monday, December 7 – we’ve added an extra day: Tuesday, December 8.
Submitter must be an ECC member in good standing and in attendance to win.

Prizes: Awarded in each category, Best Image of the Year and Best Image of the Year Runner-Up, Beginner (if there are enough entries) and Advanced.

One More Thing: Keep an eye out for a “Finally Back in Person Picnic” next summer!

Zoom Link:

What Do Judges Look For in a Photo Contest?

by Ellen Nelson
What Do Judges Look For in a Photo Contest?

Webinar Event: What Do Judges Look For in a Photo Contest?

November 15, 5-7pm MST via Zoom

Have you ever wondered what judges are thinking when they are choosing winners for a photo contest? Here’s your chance to find out! Join two award winning photographers in their own right who judge photo competitions on a regular basis. They will cover topics including how photo contests differ, what to look for before entering, how to select the best images and much more. With plenty of time to answer your specific questions, this webinar will help ensure you’ll be much closer to capturing and selecting that award winning photograph. Hosted by CEFF Sponsor: Hunts Photo & Video

Presenters: Cheryl Opperman is a nationally acclaimed nature photographer who has traveled to every continent in the world capturing spectacular images of nature, wildlife, and indigenous cultures. Widely published, her photographs have appeared in print, on the web, on television, and in solo and group exhibits.

Russ Burden is an award winning photographer who has been writing the Tip of the Week for the Outdoor Photographer website for years. He has hundreds of tips archived on their website and his work has appeared numerous times in their magazine as well. Internationally published, his wildlife and scenic images can be found in calendars published by the Self Realization Fellowship, Kodak, Audubon, Sierra Club, National Wildlife, National Geographic Traveler, and more.

For more details and entry information:

Talons and Tripods

by Ellen Nelson
Talons and Tripods

December 5th and 6th
Join us for one or both days
$495 per day
Florence, Colorado
A photo shoot fundraiser for ambassador raptors!
Lodging and meals are not included, but there are plenty of options nearby. We
will be distanced from one another and masks are mandatory.
Join us for a single day or two-day raptor photo shoot! Not only will you
photograph our incredible ambassadors up close and learn various photography
techniques, you will be supporting our mission to educate about these
magnificent birds. You will learn to read raptor behavior to help you understand
them better in the wild. During the photo sessions, you will capture portrait shots
as well as flight shots of several Colorado native, non-native, and exotic raptor
species! Whether you are a beginner or experienced photographer, this unique
opportunity will allow you to take home some amazing images, improve your
skills, and contribute to the well-being of these birds that require a lifetime of care
due to injuries or imprinting Once registered, more information will be emailed.
I was fortunate enough to meet Cheryl during this fall’s photo shoot “Talons and
Tripods” to benefit Nature’s Educators. Not only was Cheryl thoughtful and
attentive with attendees, she was able to clearly communicate some simple tricks
that increased my “keep” rate, particularly of my birds in flight. What a difference
a couple of days made! I learned a ton, increased my confidence of shooting birds
in the wild and couldn’t be more pleased with my investment in my photography
and the care of these wonderful birds! I will be back next year! – Cristina V
Register Online at or click below.
for details or register

November 11th General Meeting: Take a Walk on the WIDE Side with Glenn Randall

by Ellen Nelson

What do you do when you are standing in front of an amazing vista and your camera does not come close to capturing the majesty of the scene? Watch Glenn Randall’s Take a Walk on the Wide Side presentation and learn how to compose, shoot, and stitch together single and multi-row photographic panoramas.

Glenn will explain how you can make stitched panoramas with your existing equipment – no purchase necessary! “Learning to shoot and stitch panoramas from multiple frames will open up a new world of photographic possibilities,” said Randall, a Boulder-based professional photographer and author of five impressive landscape photography books. “Take a walk on the wide side, and you’ll never again be content to see the world in just one way.”

Evergreen Camera Club is continuing their popular Zoom meeting format, so join ECC on:

Wednesday, November 11th
6:30 pm social time
7:00 pm announcements and presentation

The Zoom link for this event is:

Mount Evans Hospice / ECC Calendar Completed

by Ellen Nelson
Mount Evans Hospice / ECC Calendar Completed
Competition Final Results

Congratulations to ECC members Leslee Hampel, Ellen Nelson, Kathy Snead, Dick Oltman, Ron Pearson, Betty Holling, and Ann Zimmerman for earning a spot in the 2021 Seasons of Our Mountains photo calendar! Dick Oltman’s “Evergreen Garden Club Breakfast” also earned him second place honors and a $100 prize, while Ellen Nelson’s “Gray Fox Grin” was judged as the third-place photo and collected a $50 prize from Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice.



August — 2nd Place Winner




January — 3rd Place Winner


Cover Photo — Popular vote winner









Holly-Simon_Bath-time-Hummer_12x9 hum







July — Best of Show



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next arrow

For the first time this year, Evergreen Camera Club teamed up with Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice to spearhead and design the 2021 Seasons of Our Mountains Calendar. Over 150 photos taken in Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice’s 4-county mountain community of landscapes and wildlife were submitted by 59 photographers. The photos were anonymously voted by ECC members at the July general meeting and by public vote in August.

2021 Seasons of Our Mountains Calendar on sale now!

Calendars are now available at several mountain retail locations in the area or online by CLICKING HERE

Wildlife Workshop with Dawn Wilson – Hands On Shooting

by Ellen Nelson

Workshop report by Tom Goldberg:
Dawn did a nice presentation, discussed some wildlife photography strategies and gave us some specific insights into bighorn behaviors. We then left the firehouse around 10:30 for Waterton Canyon and walked about 2.5 miles up the road that parallels the South Platte. Dawn spotted the bighorn about halfway in, but they were way up on the hillside (just a couple of rams) and never came down. We kept going and had lunch at a picnic spot while Dawn did some scouting. She came back and reported that she’d spotted a beaver so we all grabbed our gear and stood at the side of the river shooting him working on his lodge and munching willows.

Original Post:
Meet at 9:00 am at the Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building for Dawn’s introduction, instruction and prep. Then the group will travel to the scenic Waterton Canyon in Littleton for an amazing hands-on opportunity to shoot wild bighorn sheep and other wildlife. Wear clothing appropriate for a 2-mile hike and pack a lunch, water and your camera gear.

Saturday, November 2, 9:00 am to after 4:00 pm (based on sunset).
Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) and beyond

NOTE: Meetup RSVP does not count as a reservation. Reservations must be made and paid below

Cost $85, sign up here:

Evergreen Camera Club