June 27th Tips & Techniques: Field trip to Buchanan Ponds with Ellen Nelson

(sorry there is a concert at Evergreen Lake)

Join Evergreen Camera Club in the Buchanan Rec Center parking lot (32003 Ellingwood Trail, Evergreen) at 6:30 pm for a leisurely, informal photo-walk around the ponds and into Noble Meadow with a discussion about settings, composition, lighting and subject opportunities.

Bring any camera gear you wish to carry.

Buchanan Rec Center
32003 Ellingwood Trail, Evergreen

Time: 6:30

June 29th Special Meeting: Seasons of Our Mountains 2023 Calendar Voting

ECC calls on Members and past Winners to Step Up and Vote


Have a say to narrow the 150+ photo entries down to the 25 finalists for the iconic Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice 2023 calendar! In previous years you had to be an Evergreen Camera Club member to participate in the anonymous vote to select the 25 finalists, but this year, we’re inviting all 2020, 2021, and 2022 calendar finalists to join us for the voting*! Now is an ideal time to join our club if you are not already a member – see all the images submitted by our community and make your opinion count. Scroll down for important details.  * Mount Evans HHC&H Employees are also invited to vote

We have set the voting date to June 29th and it will be virtual – Images will be displayed on Zoom and voting will be done using Google Forms as described below.

The Calendar Voting and Judging Process

Calendar voting to initially select 25 finalists from all entries will be done by the membership of the ECC club and past winners, out of whomever logs on for the Zoom call for our June 29th meeting. Image entry was open to all, this voting will be by paid members and past winners only.

As the calendar competition is open to everyone, and many ECC members and past winners have and are expected to enter, certainly those individuals will be voting on their own images along with everyone else. The artist names will not be disclosed so at most, voters will recognize only 3 of the images out of however many we get (we expect 100-200). Thus we feel there will be minimal bias in this process.

Each image will get a score from 1 to 5 averaged from all votes cast in the zoom meeting to determine the 25 finalists. The finalists will then be voted on by the general public using the voting website tool used for last year’s competition (that link will be posted when the finalists have been uploaded).

Our intent is that this will yield an impartially judged set of 12 images plus a cover image to comprise our final calendar, however, if we end up with some kind of imbalance, there is an editorial committee comprised of Mount Evans and ECC volunteers who may make minor adjustments to ensure a good end product (i.e. if say 4 images of elk were to get the best scores, we may only include one or two). The remaining 12 images will be recognized as runners-up in the calendar.

Each year we enlist the aid of a guest photographer as a Judge to pick the Best of Show, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. This year our Judge will be Boyd Norton, an American photographer, known for his work in wilderness photography and his environmental activism. He is the photographer/author of 17 books covering topics such as from African elephants, mountain gorillas, Siberia’s Lake Baikal and issues of Alaskan and Rocky Mountain conservation.

If you have any questions about this process, please send and email to webmaster@evergreencameraclub.com.

Voting Instructions: Important!!!

Display of submitted images and voting will begin at 7:00PM on Wednesday June 29th. Setup and testing will be from 6:30 to 7, be sure to get on in time to work out any kinks you may have with the links or the process.

We will have 4 different groups of images, divided by season. We will run through each group quickly so you can preview them and then go back through them by name for the voting step.

The images will be displayed via Zoom – you should dial in with the Zoom link using whatever device you have with the best display so you can see the entries clearly.

Voting will be done using Google Forms – a “forms.gle” link and QR code will be provided to get your browser to the voting sheet. You can use a separate device, like your phone, to go to this link so you can have a separate screen to make your selections. If you are using your phone, simply take a picture of the QR code and your phone will offer to take you to our voting sheet. Alternately you can use a browser and Zoom on the same device if you can manage the 2 windows.

It is not required but recommended that you place a vote for every image.

Links to the Zoom and Voting form will be emailed to ECC Members and past Winners prior to the meeting.

Contest entry deadline is June 15th, so you may still have time to enter your best local photos!

The Mount Evans Calendar Contest is closed for public voting as of July 15 2022

by Tom Goldberg
The Mount Evans Calendar Contest is closed for public voting as of July 15 2022

Local 69 Photographers Submitted 166 of their best photographs of our local nature and scenery!

Now open to the Public Voting phase!!! Come back soon for the winner announcements!

We welcome everyone to vote for their favorite photos. CLICK HERE to Vote!

Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice and the Evergreen Camera Club have teamed together once again to bring you the Seasons of Our Mountains Calendar.

The 25 best photos submitted will advance to a community vote in August. The top 13 photographs will be included on the cover and each month of the year. The remaining 12 photographs will be included in the calendar as honorable mentions. The top three photos will win cash prizes.

  • Best of Show – $250 prize
  • Second Place – $100 prize
  • Third Place – $50 prize

Seasons of Our Mountains Calendar Tips & FAQs


  • Keep the calendar’s theme in mind:
        your images should show off our mountains, our wildlife and the way seasons are reflected in them
  • Edit your photos judiciously:
        Images must look natural to qualify – pasted image parts, oversaturated colors or obvious manipulation
        will disqualify your entry
  • Give thought to a good title:
        any words that express the feeling, the idea, the humor, or anything else about your photo will help it stand out
  • Summer and Spring get the most competition:
        you will have a better chance of winning with a great Fall or Winter entry
  • Make your images Colorful:
        By and large, colorful images get more votes and look better on a calendar page
        dull or muted photographs may be excellent images but don’t tend to do well in this application
  • Don’t submit multiple photos of the same scene:
        have the confidence to pick the best one and use the other entries for different photos
  • This is primarily a nature calendar, but that said, sometimes man-made objects enhance the photo
  • Avoid submitting  pictures of Evergreen Lake House unless it is a unique photo, this is the most common subject we see submitted


    • We require at least 2400px wide for acceptable entries but 3000px is better and sufficient
    • This is a HORIZONTAL calendar, please don’t submit vertical images. Confirm your aspect ratio: the 12″ x 9″ finished printing size of the calendar means all images will be cropped to a 4 x 3 aspect – if it is not cropped correctly, we will crop to fit
    • Don’t add your watermark or signature to your image: all voting is anonymous so we’ll block out any watermark or disqualify your image if we can’t remove it
    • If you have questions or issues please send an email to webmaster@evergreencameraclub.com

Click Here to Enter this Contest

Photo Op: Total Eclipse on May 15

by Tom Goldberg
Photo Op: Total Eclipse on May 15

A total lunar eclipse will be visible in Colorado starting in the evening of May 15 and going into the early morning hours of May 16. The lunar eclipse will start at 7:57 pm on Sunday, May 15, and will end at 12:50 am on Monday, May 16. The maximum eclipse will happen at 10:11 pm on Sunday night.

Science Talk with Bob Krugmire at the Butterfly Pavilion

by Tom Goldberg
Science Talk with Bob Krugmire at the Butterfly Pavilion

Insect Behavior and Wildlife Photography with Bob Krugmire

Thursday, April 28th, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Seeing the world through a lens can be extraordinary but can hold its challenges. Join us for an exciting talk centered around insect photography taught by our very own bug photographer, Bob Krugmire. With his vast experience on primarily animal photography, Bob has taken pictures ranging from hanging out of an airplane window, to working with wolves and black widows to get stock photos and carrying 50 pounds of gear up mountains to get that perfect sunrise shot. Listen as he discusses not only about insect photography, but about the act of photography itself.


Photo Exhibit in Lakewood: Thomas Goettel

by Tom Goldberg
Photo Exhibit in Lakewood: Thomas Goettel


Lakewood Cultural Center
470 South Allison Parkway, Lakewood, Colorado, 80226
303 987-7845

May 4, 2022 T0 June 9, 2022

The photography exhibit will be presented by
Thomas Goettel, a local photographer, from
Bailey, Colorado.

The photo exhibit will include both flower & landscape photography. One of the areas photographed is the
“war memorial rose garden”, which is located in Littleton, Colorado.

Most of the photographs will be framed.

All photographs will be for sale through the city of Lakewood, inside the Lakewood Cultural Center building.

The photography exhibit is located inside the Lakewood cultural center building just to the left of the entrance once inside.

The hours that the facility is open to the public are
Mon. – fri. 9 am to 5 pm and on sat. 9 am to 1 pm


CONTACT INFORMATION: thundercreek777@gmail.com

April 2022 Photo Contest

by Tom Goldberg

The Theme for April 2022 was “Anything” – 2 images per individual.

Judging was by Joseph Thomas

Contest results were as follows:
(note all images are copyrighted by their creators – please contact us if you want to use these for any purpose)
Click on any image for a larger slide show

Winner: Anything Category,
Ann Zimmerman

Runner Up: Anything Category,
Dave Blessing

Winner: Anything Category,
Andrew Hamilton

Runner Up: Anything Category,
Sara Kresse

### Meeting Announcement ###

The Theme for April 2022 is “Anything”

…plus the Fun category

Right now we are accepting 2 images per individual.

Remember to submit your photos for the ECC monthly competition by the Monday before the general meeting at 6 p.m. Sharp (hard deadline). By entering the contest, you agree to allow ECC to use your photo in promoting the club.

Images will be projected on the Fire Department’s Sony projector at 1920 wide by 1200 pixels tall – whatever size images you submit will be adjusted to fit on that screen.

Check contest guidelines for further details on submissions.

Live In-Person Meetings Return!

by Tom Goldberg
Live In-Person Meetings Return!

The Evergreen Fire House on Bergen Parkway has once again opened their building up for public events. As Evergreen Camera Club has been a regular long time facility user, they’ve given us priority to get back on the calendar. We are excited to hold our first in-person meeting there this March 23rd for a hands-on Tips & Techniques meeting. See the Meeting posts for details.

April 2nd Field Trip: The Butterfly Pavilion


Join Evergreen Camera Club and savor a quiet hour of tripod photography in the tropical rainforest before they open their doors to the public. Take photos of awakening butterflies and exotic tropical flowers in the morning light. We will meet outside the front doors of the Butterfly Pavilion (6252 W 104th Ave, Westminster) at 7:30 am on Saturday, April 2nd and begin shooting at 7:45 am.

Watch for T&T details on March 23rd to get you prepped for photographing tropical plants and butterflies!

This event is limited to the first 20 participants so register soon! You Must Prepay (Members $12/Non-Members $15)
Pre-registration is required by RSVPing on Meetup: Evergreen Camera Club Photography AND paid for on the ECC website with the button below:

Member Status

Your RSVP will not be counted until you pay.

Evergreen Camera Club