Colorado Photography Gala – March 16th 2023

by Tom Goldberg
Colorado Photography Gala – March 16th 2023

Lone Tree Arts Center
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Doors open at 5:30 pm
for mini print display & sponsor tables.
Program begins 6:30 pm

Gala is Colorado Casual

RESERVE SEATS HERE (if you haven’t yet)

Celebrate Colorado’s
111 Prize Winners, Top 250 and Semifinalists
from 2022’s Share the View contest.

Our generous donors make it possible to offer this event at no charge.
* Multimedia shows
* Presentations by Share the View photographers
* Judges’ insights

Come early and visit Gala Sponsors
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Colorado Life Magazine
Denver Digital Imaging
Mile High Wildlife Photo Club
Urban Wildlife Photo Club

Month of Photography Colorado

by ecc
Month of Photography Colorado

MOP 2023 Kicks Off March 1!
Ready…set…start exploring all Month of Photography Denver has to offer! With 147 events, 72 participating venues, and more than 500 local, national, and international artists on display, there’s something for everyone.

There’s no better place to start your MOP journey than right here at festival headquarters, the Colorado Photographic Arts Center (1070 Bannock Street in Denver’s Golden Triangle Creative District).

Pick up a printed guide or browse the MOP Event Calendar and plan your festival experience today.
Go to

New Photography Show at Center for the Arts Evergreen

by Tom Goldberg
New Photography Show at Center for the Arts Evergreen

Immortalized:  Lens & Light

February 23 – April 1, 2023

Opening Reception: Feb. 23 | 4-7 pm

Artists have used glass to create art for centuries. Estimates say that glass lasts longer than 1 million years—an almost infinite amount of time in human history. Immortalized: Lens & Light explores the way in which artists create with glass and glass lenses—stained, fused, blown, mosaic, and fine art photography—to celebrate and commemorate people, cultures, or moments in time.

The Center for the Arts Evergreen is at 31880 Rocky Village Drive, Evergreen, CO 80439 (next door to the Parkside Cafe)

ECC to Increase Membership Fees

by Tom Goldberg
ECC to Increase Membership Fees
Our annual membership fee will be going from $20 to $30 starting April 1st.

We hate to do it, but speaker fees have increased and in order to keep getting great people to present, we need a little more funds.

Even with this increase, our membership fees continue to be extremely modest considering all the things our club does.

  • All interested parties, members or not, can attend or zoom our monthly general meetings and T&T’s — visitors, guests, and students are always welcome!
  • With membership, you get to enter contests (all winners published on this site), go on our field trips, and attend our parties and other special events.

Members can select the Edit/Renew Membership menu to re-up at the current rate for another year. New members can sign up to join ECC at the $20 rate until the end of March 2023.

On April fools day, the new rates will prevail!

Are You Over 65?

by Dick Oltman
Are You Over 65?

If you are on Medicare, you can get free money for our club!

In case you didn’t know, ECC has a partnership with Element3 Health that is a win-win for you and our club. Element3 Health works with health plans like UnitedHealthcare to keep their members physically, socially and mentally active in activity clubs like ours. You can earn money for the club every time you participate in a photography-related activity. There is no cost at all to you – in fact, the funds you earn will offset your membership dues and contribute to club operating costs.

  • Sign up at All you will need is your health plan ID card to determine if you are eligible
  • To report your photo activities for this year (2023) CLICK HERE NOTE: this link has been updated as of April 2023 – activities reported earlier this year should be re-entered
  • You can report up to 10 activities per month – most of us participate in photography related things more often than that
  • You will be able to take up to 6 months to report activities for the first half of the year – Remember, an activity does NOT have to be a ECC sanctioned event

Here is a partial list of activities that could count:
Club Events
Club Meetings (virtual or in-person)
Taking photos
Organizing photos
Adding key words, flags or star ratings
Editing photos in Photoshop or LR
Posting photos on social media
Working on your photography website
Shopping for camera equipment
Setting up your camera
Developing film
Social outings with other club members
Reading photography related articles or watching tutorials

November 15th Zoom presentation on Photographing the Galpagos with Ron Belak

by Tom Goldberg
November 15th Zoom presentation on Photographing the Galpagos with Ron Belak

On Thursday, November 15 at 7 PM, RMOWP member (and ECC member) Ron Belak will deliver a Zoom presentation on the wildlife and birds of the Galapagos and mainland Ecuador. Interested parties should contact him via email for the zoom link.

Ron and Peg Linn spent 18 days in Ecuador in 2017, touring along the spine of the Andes from Quito south to Cuenca, visiting the famous hummingbird location at Bella Vista and cruising the islands of the Galapagos. Although they did not check off all 131 species of Ecuadoran hummingbirds, they will share photos of the beautiful ones they did see as well as other species in the cloud forest and on the paramo—Ecuador’s term for the tundra. They will also share photos of beautiful landscapes, featuring 19,000-foot volcanoes, alpine lakes and desert islands, and offer tips on photographing the birds and wildlife.

Their Galapagos tour was shared with 13 other guests on a small boat that traveled between the islands of San Cristobal, Santa Cruz, Santiago, Isabela, Fernandina and several smaller islets. Bird diversity is not as high on the islands as on mainland Ecuador, but the birds are often larger and more easily approached by photographers. For many species, nesting is year-round, so colorful plumage is strikingly apparent. They will share images of the male frigatebird displaying like our sage grouse and photos of gulls, pelicans, herons, finches, boobies, noddies, sandpipers and flamingos. The islands are also noted for land and sea iguanas, sea lions and tortoises. In the water, there are angelfish, surgeonfish, cardinal fish, parrotfish and sea turtles. Learn about the flightless cormorants, whose wings have atrophied because there are no predators to fly away from, and penguins who have headed north permanently for the balmy weather (snowbirds?).

Ron Belak is a freelance writer and photographer whose work appears regularly in Colorado Outdoors magazine—the official publication of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. He has written about 90 magazine articles and supplied hundreds of photos for these articles over the past 30 years. He is also the author of two books on fly fishing: Fly Fishing Colorado’s Backcountry and The Fishing Guide to 800 High Lakes in Colorado.

What You See Depends Upon Where You Look: Intuition, Imagination and Photography

by Tom Goldberg
What You See Depends Upon Where You Look: Intuition, Imagination and Photography

A VIRTUAL Ghost Ranch workshop by Randee Lawrence and Cecilia Broder
November 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2022, 5:00-7:00 PM

Photography is both an art and a craft. Almost anyone can learn the proper settings for creating a “good” photo. This workshop teaches you how to be a better observer and to create images that engage the heart as well as the head and stir the imagination. When we get out of our heads and release expectations of what the image ought to look like, we free ourselves to create images with warmth and passion.

This workshop will meet on Zoom for 4 Mondays. Click here for a pdf of the event.

Register at:

Raptor Workshop with Cheryl Opperman

by Ellen Nelson
Raptor Workshop with Cheryl Opperman

Join Denver Audubon, Nature’s Educators, and award winning photographer Cheryl Opperman for a one day raptor photography session. Capture unique images of these amazing birds while supporting 2 not-for-profit organizations.

  • Photograph up to 8 different species
  • Get helpful photography tips
  • Limited to 10 participants
  • Supports Conservation and Education

Sunday October 2, 2022

Denver Audubon
Audubon Center at Chatfield, Littleton, CO
303 973 9530

To sign up, just fill out the form linked to below and select your session choice in the drop down menu. We will send instructions for payment later.
OPI Photo Workshop or Tour Booking Form

83rd Annual PSA Festival is in Colorado Springs this year

by Tom Goldberg
83rd Annual PSA Festival is in Colorado Springs this year

Photographic Society of America Annual Photo Festival
Colorado Springs, Colorado
September 21 through 24th

PSA’s 2022 photo festival in Colorado Springs features world-class speakers, photo workshops, and spectacular tours. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to renew old friendships or make new friends while improving your photographic skills.

For more information go to

Holistic Photography Workshop

by ecc
Holistic Photography Workshop
Seeing, Sensing, Creating Mindful Images

Sunday, August 21 TO Saturday, August 27 2022
At Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu New Mexico

In the desert landscape, nature rewards us with a sensuous palette of colors. Ghost Ranch is about slowing down and connecting with the sacredness of the land. Come and explore the red rocks, deep blue skies and mystical petrified trees with your camera. While most photography classes focus on technical competency, this class takes a mindfulness approach, emphasizing intuition and imagination. When we release expectations of how things ought to look, we free ourselves to create artistic images that come from our soul.

Imagine an entire week with just you and your camera, surrounded in the beauty of Georgia O’Keeffe’s backyard. Tap into your intuition, your creative spirit and your five senses. Join kindred spirits at this unique workshop. It will change the way you take photos and it just may change the way you see the world.
A series of exercises will be offered each morning to engage the senses and improve your powers of observation and composition. Guided hikes and field work will be available or participants may choose to work on their own. We will photograph sunrises, sunsets and visit sacred landscapes around Ghost Ranch and the surrounding area. Digital images will be loaded onto a computer for sharing and group reflection. All levels welcome.

I would love to have group members join me. Feel free to contact me for more information

Randee Lipson Lawrence Ed.D., ECC member and Professor Emeritus National Louis University, will be teaching a week long photography workshop at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu New Mexico in October that some members may be interested in.

click here to download pdf.

Email Randee for questions:

Here is a link to registration

Evergreen Camera Club