The Lives and Habits of Owls in the Wild

by ecc
The Lives and Habits of Owls in the Wild

The Lives and Habits of Owls in the Wild and How to Find and Photograph Them.
Deanna Beutler has spent the past 16 years hiking and photographing wildlife. She found her first owl nest in 2004 and the love of owls and photographing them has grown from there, along with her knowledge of owls.
She worked for “Wild Wings Environmental Education” from 2013 to 2018, where she worked with owls, hawks and falcons. While there, she manned informational booths, taught at schools, libraries, retirement centers, camps, special events, fundraisers and photo shoots. The organization’s goal was to teach the public how to protect these birds, their environment and raise money for the care of injured birds of prey.
She has taught classes at nature centers and Audubon Society events on the lives of owls and how to find them.
She has served as a wildlife and owl guide for people throughout Colorado and as far away as Japan.
Her photos were selected in the “Top 250” in Denver Audubon Society’s “Share the View International” photography contest 5 years in a row and she spoke at the Share the View International Gala. She has won 1st and 2nd place in several local photo contests. She has had 10 of her photos displayed on park signs and others published in magazines and books.
She also helps with the rescue of birds and animals.
Doors open at 6:30 for socializing. Members, guests and students welcome!
Join us for dinner at 5:15 with Deanna (by RSVP only)–see separate Meetup.

Urban Documentary (Street) Photography

by ecc
Urban Documentary (Street) Photography

Kenneth Wajda
URBAN DOCUMENTATION (Street Photography)
Street photography is a unique genre in photography. “There’s something satisfying about going out with no photograph in mind, and just seeking the stories of the street, to make these images,” professional photographer Kenneth Wajda explained. Kenneth with cover the history of street photography and suggest techniques to document on the street, ways to overcome fear of photographing strangers, and how to build a body of work as a documentary photographer.

Doors open at 6:30 pm for social time. Presentation begins at 7:00 pm. Members, guests, and students welcome!

And join us at 5:30 at Beau Thai for dinner with the speaker and other ECC members. Sign up on a separate Meetup posting.

PSA (Photographic Society of America) with Tammy Hammond

by ecc
PSA (Photographic Society of America) with Tammy Hammond

Are you a PSA member? PSA, or Photographic Society of America (not to be confused with public service announcement, or prostate specific antigen), has numerous member benefits for clubs and individuals.

Evergreen Camera Club has an organizational membership. PSA Colorado Membership Director Tammy Hammond will untangle and examine all of the invaluable details needed to utilize the ECC membership or join PSA as an individual at our April 10th meeting at 7:00 pm (come early to socialize.

Sign up for the pre-meeting dinner with our speaker in a separate Meetup.

Lightroom Classic Basics with Tom Goldberg

by ecc
Lightroom Classic Basics with Tom Goldberg

Lightroom Classic Basics with Tom Goldberg
This course will be for beginner and intermediate Lightroom users and will attempt to cover the following:

> Organizing your Photos
– where to put them
– how to use the LR library
– picking and rating
– collections

> Adjusting your Photos
– basics
– adding pop
– corrections in LR

> Open Discussion

This will be a lecture and demo, no hands-on.
Doors open 6:30 pm for social time.

Jeff Johnson: The Creative Edge

by ecc
Jeff Johnson: The Creative Edge

Evergreen Camera Club is kicking off the new year with a sure-to-be-impressive presentation, “The Creative Edge” by Jeff Johnson. Jeff promises to infuse his over-40-years’ experience as a working professional on image enhancements with easy and awesome Lightroom and Photoshop tips, tricks and surefire, easy-to-do techniques. Including intimate color and tone adjustments, texture overlays, image blending, luminosity masks, burning and dodging, all in a non-destructive process . . . and all easy to repeat from image-to-image!

Join us for the January 9th Evergreen Camera Club meeting, at 7:00 pm (come early to socialize or see Meetup for dinner details) at the Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building, 1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen. Visitors, guests and students are encouraged to attend. And if you like the presentation, come to Jeff’s all day, hands-on workshop on February 2 for a deeper dive into these techniques.

Visitors, guests and students are encouraged to attend. Doors open 6:30.

Members, remember to submit photos for the monthly critique and contest by Monday before the meeting. NOTE: IMAGES ARE NOW ABLE TO BE UPLOADED ON THE WEBSITE. DUES MUST BE PAID BEFORE UPLOADS ARE ACCEPTED. Details are at

We will have a pre-dinner meeting at Beau Thai in Evergreen at 5:30 pm. RSVP separately on Meetup.

End of Year Party and Competition!

by ecc
End of Year Party and Competition!

Wednesday, December 12th at 6:30 pm
Lariat Lodge Brewing Company,
27618 Fireweed Drive,
Evergreen 80439 (next to Center Stage)
Click for Map to Lariat Lodge

Reservations are $28 per person, thanks to the generous contribution of the camera club to defray the cost of the meal.
Reservations are limited to 36 members and their guests.
Reservations will be accepted through 12/5 or until we have reached our limit.

Check our Contest page for details on the year-end contest rules.

Buffet Menu:
Roasted Chicken
Roasted Veggies
Mashed Potatoes
House Salad (dressings and croutons on side)
Non-alcoholic beverages included
Gluten-free and dairy-free options available

Please use the PayPal selections below to make your reservation, PayPal Accounts or regular Credit Cards may be used to pay.
Please indicate your preference for main course and any special needs.
When you add to cart, you can change the quantity for additional guests.
If you want to pay by check, you may mail payment to ECC at 3719 Evergreen Pkwy, Suite A-105, Evergreen, CO 80439. Checks MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11/26/18.

Menu Preference
Special Dietary Needs
Note special needs:
Name of Member or Guest


by ecc

Come see rapidly-emerging photographer Tom Heywood’s informative presentation, “Let Photography Pay for Itself”. Tom has tried almost everything to sell his photos. But he has found his niche selling his photographic art at fine art fairs. Exhibiting at around 25 fairs a year, he has learned much about the business and will share what he has learned. Tom will discuss the ins and outs, upsides and downsides of some of the options photographers have to sell their work.

Doors open at 6:30. Visitors, guests and students are encouraged to attend.

Also, see the Meetup for the pre-meeting dinner at Beau Thai.

Remember to submit photos for the monthly critique and contest. The November themes are: Lucky Shot (right time, right place) and our rotating theme, Landscapes. You may also submit Fun shots in addition to three images for critique.


by ecc

Cheryl Opperman

During March of each year, nearly a half-million sandhill cranes migrate through Nebraska, creating one of the most amazing wildlife gatherings in North America. She will highlight this unique photographic opportunity with numerous tips on how to make the most of your trip to photograph these magnificent birds.

Cheryl Opperman is a nationally acclaimed nature photographer employing the power of photography to inspire interest in the environment. She was featured as a leading female nature photographer by Outdoor Photographer Magazine and has received numerous prestigious awards from organizations including Nature’s Best Photography, the International Photography Awards, and the National Wildlife Federation. Cheryl’s work has also appeared in publications or exhibits for the National Geographic Society, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, and many others. For more examples of Cheryl’s award-winning photos, check out

Visitors, guests and students are encouraged to attend. Doors open 6:30.

Remember to submit photos for the monthly critique and contest by Monday before the meeting. Details are at

We will have a pre-dinner meeting at Beau Thai in Evergreen at 5 pm. RSVP separately on Meetup.

Cameras for a Cause – Conservation Photography

by Lorrie McAllister 0 Comments
Cameras for a Cause – Conservation Photography

“Conservation Photography is about inspiring thoughtful action with the goal of achieving real and tangible conservation gains.”
        Alexandra Garcia, Executive Director, International League of Conservation Photographers

Evergreen Camera Club member Connie Rudd will present an overview of conservation photography — and how you can become inspired and involved — for the Wednesday, September 12th meeting at 7:00 pm at the Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen). She will introduce the concepts and successful work of conservation photography and well-known photographers in the field.  “Many photographers use their photography to express themselves artistically through their images because they have a deep love of the natural world and are concerned about protecting wilderness, wildlife, air and water quality, open spaces and functioning ecosystems,” Connie explained. “Conservation and photography complement each other. Conservation organizations are in constant need of fresh images that accurately depict the condition of wild places and who else but us — we are out there all the time — to provide compelling photographs for the purpose of conservation.”

Connie will offer suggestions on how to sell or donate your work to conservation organizations, get your work on the front page of your local newspapers and how to help local organizations protect valuable landscapes.

Connie Rudd’s 35-year career was committed to conservation and preservation with the National Park Service.  Since her retirement in 2014, she has picked up her cameras more frequently and now has the freedom to wander, finding “nature at its best.”  Connie taught photojournalism at Arapahoe High School in the 1970s, has written books about the Grand Canyon — illustrated in part with her photos — and currently exhibits in three locations in Colorado.  She won the “Best Image by a Colorado Photographer in Show” in 2016 in a nationally juried show sponsored by the Southern Colorado Photography Society, celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service. Her focus with her photography is to inspire citizen stewardship of public lands, assuring the next generation the same opportunities found today for learning, creating artful images, and “making a difference.” Find Connie’s work at

Join us for dinner at Casa Tequila’s at 5 pm with our speaker. RSVP on Meetup.

Bob Maynard “To Filter or Not to Filter”

by Ellen Nelson
Bob Maynard “To Filter or Not to Filter”

National award-winning photographer Bob Maynard wondered about photographic filters:
1. What about keeping a “protective filter” on your lens?
2. Is there a difference in brands?
3. Does cost matter?
4. What about digital filters available in post-processing software?
His results may surprise you. Bob Maynard will reveal his findings at the August 8th Evergreen Camera Club meeting, at 7:00 pm (Doors open at 6:30 for socializing).

RSVP separately for the pre-dinner meeting.

Remember to submit your photos for the critique/contest by Monday, 6 pm. The August theme is “Filters” and “Landscape”, plus the fun category.

Evergreen Camera Club