October 25 Tips & Techniques: Favorite Workshops & Classes

by Ellen Nelson

It’s time to look back on 2023 and start planning for 2024! Did you take an amazing photo workshop or class? Where should we go to up our photographic game?

Come ready to show and share your favorite photo experiences, workshop leaders, and classes so we may learn from you and possibly plan to go there next year!

Evergreen Camera Club is meeting in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) so join ECC on Wednesday, October 25th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, October 25 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

October 2023 General Meeting: Copyright? Yes! with Barb Norton

by Ellen Nelson

All photographers have very valuable commodities in their possession – their photographs. But do they legally own them? Can someone steal them? And what about this artificial intelligence we’ve all been hearing about? Is it going to affect photographers and, for that matter, photography in general? Find out what copyright is all about – how and what it protects; and what can be done if the copyright is infringed. And find out also what threats loom – namely, artificial intelligence.

Join Barb Norton and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, October 11th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Barb’s presentation following. We will also Zoom this presentation at the link below.

NOTE: This is a contest meeting! Ellen Nelson has volunteered to judge images after Barb’s presentation. The contest theme is “Spooky.” Please enter up to 3 of your spookiest images! Click Here to upload your images for this October 2023 contest. You must be a member and present at the meeting to submit images for this contest.

This contest was judged by Ellen Nelson, and the Theme for this month was Spooky!


Winner: Spooky Category,
Pat Tracy

Runner Up: Spooky Category,
Dale Ralph

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, October 11th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

September 2023 General Meeting: The Original Influencers with Greg Holden

The Original Influencers

During the dawn of photography from the late 1800s through the mid-1900s, it was common for photographers to be inspired by the works of their peers. This presentation will showcase Greg’s collection of photo comparisons including photographs from both well-known photographers such as Edward Steichen, Alfred Stiglitz, and Dorothea Lange; and perhaps an introduction to lesser-known photographers such as George Tice, Jaromir Funke, and A. Aubrey Bodine. The presentation concludes with a comparison of how Greg’s photos have been inspired by these master photographers.

Join Greg and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, September 13th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Greg’s presentation following. We will also host this meeting on ZOOM at the link below starting at 7pm.

NOTE: This is a contest meeting! Greg has graciously volunteered to judge images after his presentation.
The contest theme is Evergreen Lake (since we will have a T&T shootout on August 23rd) or any lake.
Two images per entrant only please (plus fun images if any).
Click here for contest details and to upload your images. You must be a member and present at the meeting for your entries to be included.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, September 13 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

August 2023 Tips & Techniques: Shootout at Evergreen Lake

by Ellen Nelson

Join Evergreen Camera Club in the Evergreen Lake House parking lot (Upper Bear Creek Road, Evergreen) at 6:30 pm for a leisurely, informal photo-walk around the lake (1.3 miles) with a discussion about settings, composition, lighting and subject opportunities

Bring any camera geat you wish to carry.

Use these photos for the planned upcoming September 13th photo contest (see that event for details)!

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the Lake:
Wednesday, August 23 at 6:30 pm
Upper Bear Creek Road, Evergreen
Lake House Parking Lot

August 2023 General Meeting: The Process for Creating Effective Compositions with Cheryl Opperman

by Ellen Nelson

The Process for Creating Effective Compositions

What’s the most effective element of your image after the lighting? It’s your composition! It can make or break the impact of your photo. Join award winning photographer Cheryl Opperman as she guides you through the steps necessary to successfully use the tools and rules to design, rather than simply record, your photographs.

Join Cheryl and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, August 9th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Cheryl’s presentation following.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, August 9 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

May 2023 General Meeting: Affordable Iceland Photo Tour with Michael Ryno

Iceland has always been on Michael Ryno’s bucket list. So when he had the chance to go, Michael wanted to photograph on his terms.

We did not record this, but do have Michael’s slide deck from the event – Download The PDF by Clicking Here

Iceland Presentation

Michael will share his strategies for planning and implementing an affordable photo tour through Iceland. He will provide the resources he used during a 10-day trip to Iceland with visits to locations around the entire “Outer Ring Road,” including many of the iconic photographic locations along with several lesser-known spots. Michael will offer suggestions for camera gear and lenses, clothing, and other travel tips.

Join Michael and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, May 10th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Michael’s presentation following. We will have NO ZOOM for this meeting.

New members, students and guests are always welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, May 10 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

April 2023 General Meeting: Conservation Photography – What’s It All About? with Boyd Norton

by Ellen Nelson

Our esteemed Evergreen photographer, Boyd Norton, is back to present his valuable words of photographic wisdom. “I always try to encourage nature photographers to get involved in conservation,” Boyd explained. “Photography is a powerful tool in conservation work. It can awaken in people the realization that many places and species need protection.”

Boyd has written books on conservation photography and serves on the board of Trustees for the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund.
Evergreen Camera Club is meeting in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) so join ECC on Wednesday, April 12th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm. We will have NO ZOOM for this meeting.

New members, students and guests are always welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, April 12 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

March 2023 General Meeting: The Art of Seeing B&W with Jeff Johnson

by Ellen Nelson

The Art of Seeing B&W

“Our eyes see color. Our souls feel black and white,” Jeff Johnson explains.

Learn to see differently for black and white photography. In black and white landscape photography, the golden hour is no longer the golden rule. Jeff will illustrate that light direction, intensity and how it can sculpt a scene are more primary factors in selecting an image to consider for black and white, making mid-morning and midafternoon a part of your photography creation time.

Join Jeff for an in-depth look at how he creates his award-winning black and white
photography. To learn more about Jeff, see soulroadtrips.com

This is a virtual Zoom meeting, so log in with Evergreen Camera Club on Wednesday, March 8th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm followed by Jeff’s presentation. New members, students and guests are welcome.

Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, March 8th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation

Zoom Link:

February 2023 T&T: What’s in a Name? Titling your Photos with Ellen Nelson and Leslee Hampel

by Ellen Nelson

Most photos tell a story, and one of the best ways to direct the viewer or evoke emotion is with a compelling title. Join Ellen Nelson and Leslee Hampel for an interactive look on what makes a good (or bad!) title for your photo, how to come up a title or where to find inspiration.

ECC plans to incorporate your photo title in upcoming contests, so this is a great skill to have! Submit a photo on the ECC website under the menu item Contest if you would like to hear title suggestions for your image during the meeting. (Members Only! Please submit just one image into the FUN category – images must be submitted by the end of the day Monday Feb 20)

Evergreen Camera Club WILL NOT BE meeting in person at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station due to the Snow Storm!!!!

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us via ZOOM:
Wednesday, February 22 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)

February 8th 2023 General Meeting: African Photo Safari Tips and Guidelines with Jim Griggs

by Ellen Nelson

Warm up with this virtual presentation by one of the club’s favorite speakers, Jim Griggs.

Watch and listen to guidelines and recommendations that will help you on your successful photo safari in Africa, or for almost any trip that is new to you.

Jim promises to spice up his valuable tips with entertaining stories of his adventures. He and his wife, Cindy, have traveled the world and have just concluded leading their 9th and 10th Photo Safaris to Tanzania.

This is a virtual Zoom meeting, so log in with Evergreen Camera Club on Wednesday, February 8th for social time at 6:30 pm and announcements at 7:00 pm. New members, students and guests are welcome.

Evergreen Camera Club via Zoom:
Wednesday, February 8th
6:30 pm social time and announcements
7:00 pm start of presentation

Zoom Link:

Evergreen Camera Club