May 8th 2024 General Meeting: The Image Critique Show!

by Ellen Nelson

The Image Critique Show
Enter photos to get “more better”

Learn from the best and have fun! Jeff Johnson and Rick Avalos have a monthly photo critique show aptly named “The Image Critique Show” ( and they are bringing the show on the road to Evergreen! Submit an image of your choice on the ECC website and watch and listen how it can become “More Better.”

CLICK HERE to enter this special event, limit 1 submission per person, 25 total images, ECC members have priority

“If you have never submitted a photo before, this is the best way to do it!” Jeff explained. This is also a great time to get feedback on a photo you are considering for the Mount Evans Home Health Care and Hospice’s Seasons of our Mountains calendar contest, coming up in May.

Join the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, May 8th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Jeff and Rick’s Zoom presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, May 8 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

The Image Critique Show & The Evergreen Camera Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Wednesday, May 8 at 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 0727 6105
Passcode: 866036

Thanks for tuning in,
Jeff & Rick

April 10th 2024 General Meeting: Airshow Photography with Bob Dean

by Ellen Nelson

Airshow Photography
A Photographer’s Survival Guide to Airshows

Download Bob’s Presentation Here

Unfortunately we did not record this presentation, but Bob was kind enough to provide the full powerpoint he used for this informative event. We made a pdf of it and you get a copy for yourself by clicking here.

Airshows are one of the most popular pastimes in America! They can be challenging for photographers, with fast action and plenty of amazing photo opportunities. Bob Dean’s program will guide you through the logistics of locating and planning to attend airshows, the typical sequence of events, and how to get the most out of your day photographically. Bob will offer tips, hints and techniques, as well as suggested camera gear to get those epic shots.

Join Bob and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, April 10th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Bob’s presentation to follow. There will also be a Zoom option.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, April 10th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

March 13th General Meeting: Bird Photography Tips and Tricks with Alan Murphy

by Ellen Nelson

Bird Photography Tips & Tricks
Learn how to get birds where you want them

Alan Murphy may live in Evergreen, but his award-winning images of beautiful birds portraying their natural environment with simple elegance are known world-wide. And some were even taken in Evergreen!
Alan will showcase his stunning bird photos and discuss how to attract birds and get them where you want to photograph them. Alan is a Nikon Professional Service Member, Wimberley Professional Service Member, the author of several e-books and educational videos and leads an impressive slate of bird photography workshops.

Join Alan and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, March 13th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Alan’s presentation to follow.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, March 13 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

February 28th General Meeting: Fundamentals of Modern Optics with Marc Morris

by Ellen Nelson

NOTE: This general meeting has been scheduled for the 4th Wednesday to avoid a conflict with Valentine’s Day on the 2nd Wednesday.

We all depend on our camera lenses, but what do we really know? From aberrations to stabilization, Marc will focus on where photographic lenses are today, and peek at where they’re headed in the near future.

Marc Morris is our Tamron guy! He is their Rocky Mountain Sales Representative
and will present a state of the union regarding modern optical design as considered by the world’s largest lens manufacturer. Marc will explain glass types, element and lens design, the rules all lens manufacturers must follow in the design and implementation process.

Join Marc and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, February 28th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Alan’s presentation to follow.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, Febrary 28 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

January 10th General Meeting: Preparing for a Wildlife Shoot with Cheryl and Jim Moore

by Ellen Nelson

The Wildlife Experience

Know when and where to get that amazing wildlife shot! Cheryl and Jim Moore are coming to Evergreen to share some of their wildlife secrets. They will focus on animal habitat and behavior, explain migrations and ruts and discuss animal gesture to achieve more interesting and impactful photos.

Join Cheryl, Jim and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, January 10th for 6:30 pm social time (come then, Cheryl and Jim plan to have some interesting gear on display!), brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Cheryl and Jim’s presentation following.

We will also Zoom this presentation at the link below.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, January 10th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

2023 Holiday Party and Year End Competition

Evergreen Camera Club YEAR END PARTY!

MEMBERS ONLY In Person Dinner Party and Photo Contest

Time: Wednesday, December 13th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: Parkside Cafe (note: no longer at Troutdale Inn)
1338 Co Rd 65
Evergreen, CO

(RSVP By December 11th)

  • Grilled chicken breast
  • salmon filet
  • holiday Waldorf salad
  • mixed greens
  • holiday vegetable medley
  • rice pilaf
  • dessert

Drinks: Non-alcoholic beverages provided; cash bar available

Cost: $30/person

To Pay, click on the Buy Now Button Below.
Reservations must be made by December 11th.
Your Payment is your RSVP:

If you don’t want to use a PayPal account
Use the “Pay with Credit Card” button
Photo Contest

(Enter Photos by December 11thxxx EXTENDED TO Dec 12th 7:00pm)
Judge: Michael Ryno
Enter two photos (maximum) per person as a beginner or advanced photographer.

Choose any of the four subject categories as a beginner or advanced entry:

  • People
  • Landscape/Scenery
  • Animals/Wildlife
  • Miscellaneous

Submit your entries by logging in on this website to access the menu item “Contest” and then the “Year-End Contest” page or click the button below to enter (note: if it says you must log in but you are already, we are very sorry: please try a different brower, a different computer, or clear your browser cache):

Entries must be submitted by 6:00 pm Monday, December 11th. Submitter must be an ECC member in good standing and in attendance at the dinner to participate in the contest.

Awarded in each category, Best Image of the Year and Best Image of the Year Runner-Up, Beginner (if there are enough entries) and Advanced.

New members, students and guests welcome
Must be a member to participate in contest

November 8th General Meeting: Night Photography and What You Really Need to Succeed with Darren White

by Ellen Nelson

Night Photography and What You Really Need to Succeed

Weather Alert Update:
Tonight’s meeting will be ZOOM only
snow expected for the rest of the day in Evergreen

Have you ever photographed the Milky Way? Do you know how and where to nail that great night shot? Darren White is a master at photographing the night sky and will share his scouting, shooting and processing techniques. This is a not-to-miss presentation!

Come see Darren and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, November 8th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Darren’s presentation following. We will also Zoom this presentation at the link below.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, November 8th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

October 2023 General Meeting: Copyright? Yes! with Barb Norton

by Ellen Nelson

All photographers have very valuable commodities in their possession – their photographs. But do they legally own them? Can someone steal them? And what about this artificial intelligence we’ve all been hearing about? Is it going to affect photographers and, for that matter, photography in general? Find out what copyright is all about – how and what it protects; and what can be done if the copyright is infringed. And find out also what threats loom – namely, artificial intelligence.

Join Barb Norton and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, October 11th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Barb’s presentation following. We will also Zoom this presentation at the link below.

NOTE: This is a contest meeting! Ellen Nelson has volunteered to judge images after Barb’s presentation. The contest theme is “Spooky.” Please enter up to 3 of your spookiest images! Click Here to upload your images for this October 2023 contest. You must be a member and present at the meeting to submit images for this contest.

This contest was judged by Ellen Nelson, and the Theme for this month was Spooky!


Winner: Spooky Category,
Pat Tracy

Runner Up: Spooky Category,
Dale Ralph

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, October 11th at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

September 2023 General Meeting: The Original Influencers with Greg Holden

The Original Influencers

During the dawn of photography from the late 1800s through the mid-1900s, it was common for photographers to be inspired by the works of their peers. This presentation will showcase Greg’s collection of photo comparisons including photographs from both well-known photographers such as Edward Steichen, Alfred Stiglitz, and Dorothea Lange; and perhaps an introduction to lesser-known photographers such as George Tice, Jaromir Funke, and A. Aubrey Bodine. The presentation concludes with a comparison of how Greg’s photos have been inspired by these master photographers.

Join Greg and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, September 13th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Greg’s presentation following. We will also host this meeting on ZOOM at the link below starting at 7pm.

NOTE: This is a contest meeting! Greg has graciously volunteered to judge images after his presentation.
The contest theme is Evergreen Lake (since we will have a T&T shootout on August 23rd) or any lake.
Two images per entrant only please (plus fun images if any).
Click here for contest details and to upload your images. You must be a member and present at the meeting for your entries to be included.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, September 13 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Or by Zoom:

August 2023 General Meeting: The Process for Creating Effective Compositions with Cheryl Opperman

by Ellen Nelson

The Process for Creating Effective Compositions

What’s the most effective element of your image after the lighting? It’s your composition! It can make or break the impact of your photo. Join award winning photographer Cheryl Opperman as she guides you through the steps necessary to successfully use the tools and rules to design, rather than simply record, your photographs.

Join Cheryl and the Evergreen Camera Club in person in the auditorium at the Evergreen Fire and Rescue Station (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) on Wednesday, August 9th for 6:30 pm social time, brief announcements at 7:00 pm with Cheryl’s presentation following.

New members, students and guests are welcome.

Join us at the fire station:
Wednesday, August 9 at 7:00 pm (6:30 social time)
Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO

Evergreen Camera Club