Wildlife Workshop with Dawn Wilson – Hands On Shooting

by Ellen Nelson

Workshop report by Tom Goldberg:
Dawn did a nice presentation, discussed some wildlife photography strategies and gave us some specific insights into bighorn behaviors. We then left the firehouse around 10:30 for Waterton Canyon and walked about 2.5 miles up the road that parallels the South Platte. Dawn spotted the bighorn about halfway in, but they were way up on the hillside (just a couple of rams) and never came down. We kept going and had lunch at a picnic spot while Dawn did some scouting. She came back and reported that she’d spotted a beaver so we all grabbed our gear and stood at the side of the river shooting him working on his lodge and munching willows.

Original Post:
Meet at 9:00 am at the Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building for Dawn’s introduction, instruction and prep. Then the group will travel to the scenic Waterton Canyon in Littleton for an amazing hands-on opportunity to shoot wild bighorn sheep and other wildlife. Wear clothing appropriate for a 2-mile hike and pack a lunch, water and your camera gear.

Saturday, November 2, 9:00 am to after 4:00 pm (based on sunset).
Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) and beyond

NOTE: Meetup RSVP does not count as a reservation. Reservations must be made and paid below

Cost $85, sign up here:

February 2nd 2019 Workshop:
JEFF JOHNSON – The Creative Edge Seminar
All Day – Hands On

by Ellen Nelson

Saturday, February 2
9:00 am to 4:00 pm with break for lunch (bring or buy)

Evergreen Fire and Rescue
1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen, CO
Cost is $80 for members and $85 for non members — register for the event at the bottom of this post

Evergreen Camera Club is kicking off the new year with a sure-to-be-impressive workshop, “The Creative Edge” by Jeff Johnson. Jeff promises to infuse his over-40-years’ experience as a working professional on image enhancements with simple and awesome Lightroom and Photoshop tips, tricks and surefire, easy-to-do techniques. Including intimate color and tone adjustments, texture overlays, image blending, luminosity masks, burning and dodging, all in a non-destructive process . . . and all easy-to-repeat from image-to-image!
Bring some photos and your laptop with Lightroom and Photoshop loaded.

The Creative Edge

So, you’ve mastered your camera, the exposure triangle and your composition is solid. Now, you’ve taken the weekend off, time away from work and your family, and have driven several miles to your favorite location. You know the sunrises and sunsets will be magical over those mountains and that gorgeous waterfall, you can’t wait! You shoot and you shoot and you shoot. Then you look at your images on the camera’s monitor. Your heart sinks. You can’t believe your eyes . . . flat and lifeless. You load them to your laptop, same thing . . . boring! They’re sharp and they’re well exposed, according to the histogram. Your composition seems creative and inviting, but they just look dead! That pop and brilliance you expect is just not there. OMG . . . what have you missed?

As you drive back home your mind races between how you could have screwed up these images and maybe a career in plumbing or pest control would be more rewarding.
STOP . . . HOLD ON . . . TAKE A BREATH! You’re only halfway done. You just need some good ol’ post-processing. The digital darkroom. Don’t worry . . . I think I can help!
As silly as this story sounds I have heard it repeatedly. First off, shooting in RAW, images will appear flat, so that is a good thing!! Secondly, join me for a couple of hours of Lightroom best practices for editing and then adding the punch you crave with Photoshop enhancements.

I’ll share with you my over 40 years as a working professional on image enhancements with easy and awesome Lightroom and Photoshop tips, tricks and surefire, easy-to-do techniques. Including intimate color and tone adjustments, texture overlays, image blending, luminosity masks, burning and dodging, all in a non-destructive process . . . and all easy to repeat from image-to-image!

All you need to do is bring an empty notebook and an open mind as I will challenge your creative process and leave you with many new ideas to apply to your imagery.

Sign Up and Pay Here:

Choose Member or Non-member

If you prefer to pay by check, you may bring payment to Tips & Techniques on January 23rd, or if you prefer to pay by mail, contact ecc@evergreencameraclub for the address. Payment must be received by February 1st.

PSA Image Analysis Workshop

by ecc
PSA Image Analysis Workshop

Evergreen Camera Club and St. Vrain Photographic Society have joined forces to bring this critically important photography workshop to Evergreen! On Saturday, October 27, PSA (Photographic Society of America) Education Services Director and Instructor Jon Fishback will conduct “Image Analysis,” a course designed to improve your photography through the comprehensive analysis of photographs from all levels: from beginners to amateurs to masters.

Follow Up Report:
This event was an excellent collaboration between the St. Vrain and Evergreen Photo Clubs. Participants were instructed on and challenged to spontaneously analyze composition, lighting, color, impact, creativity and more. John Fishback was knowledgeable and personable providing an effective learning opportunity. Members rejoined the next day in Golden for his critique of our works.

Consider reading Jon Fishback’s short paper, “The Pain and Pleasure of Critical Analysis” on the PSA website (PSA-photo.org) or search on Google. Contact Ellen Nelson (ellen@ellennelson.com) if you have additional questions.

PSA Image Analysis Workshop

by Ellen Nelson

Evergreen Camera Club and St. Vrain Photographic Society have joined forces to bring this critically important photography workshop to Evergreen! On Saturday, October 27, PSA (Photographic Society of America) Education Services Director and Instructor Jon Fishback will conduct “Image Analysis,” a course designed to improve your photography through the comprehensive analysis of photographs from all levels: from beginners to amateurs to masters. This course is $30 and limited to 20 participants. RSVP and pay via the ECC Meetup site (Meetup: Evergreen Camera Club Photography) after September 28.

This hands-on workshop will be held in the Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building auditorium (1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen) from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm with a break for lunch. Bring snacks and lunch, a pad or paper and a pencil. Consider reading Jon Fishback’s short paper, “The Pain and Pleasure of Critical Analysis” on the PSA website (PSA-photo.org) or search on Google. Contact Ellen Nelson (ellen@ellennelson.com) if you have additional questions.

June 23, 2018: The Art of Bird Photography: A Hands-on Photo Workshop

by ecc

June 23, 2018
8am to 12 noon

Meet at the Evergreen Audubon Education Center
29997 Buffalo Park Rd.

With Ellen Nelson, 2017 Audubon Photo Award Winner, and
the members of the Evergreen Camera Club.

Take stunning photos with the 2017 Audubon Photography
Award Winner and Evergreen professional photographer
Ellen Nelson and the Evergreen Camera Club. Learn to
expose and compose an impressive bird photograph. Bring
your digital SLR, point-and-shoot, or even your phone! We’ll
venture outside the Evergreen Audubon Education Center
to photograph nearby birds and hummers, then learn the
simple secrets professional photographers use to create
dazzling photos you will proudly show off.

COST $75 for members* – $85 for non-members.
Sign up at Center for the Arts Evergreen: http://www.evergreenarts.org/events.php


June 2, 2018: Gilpin County Arts Association Juried Show Awards Reception

by ecc

Join us in celebrating the art of many local artists at the reception for Gilpin Arts’ Juried Show. Among the fiber art, pottery, pastels, watercolors and other media, at least four Evergreen Camera Club members will display their photography, which has been judged by David Muench. Come to support your fellow photographers, and stay for the awards ceremony at 6 pm.

FREE event. No need to RSVP.

APRIL 7, 2018 Workshop: Joseph Roybal -Complete Workflow to Post Processing: Masks, Layers, Actions

by ecc

APRIL 7, 2018 (Rescheduled)

Escape the grind of post processing! Joseph Roybal will teach you how to streamline your post processing techniques and unlock the colors and textures your photos are hiding.

If you’ve never attended one of Joseph Roybal’s workshops, you’ll come away with a breadth and depth of knowledge that will allow you to reach your highest potential! If you’ve previously attended a Roybal seminar on luminosity masks, you are probably aching for more! You’ll be wowed at the deep dive into using masks, layers, and actions based on Tony Kuyper’s TK Actions.

POSTPONED: MARCH 17, 2018 Joseph Roybal Workshop NOW APRIL 7,2018

by ecc


If you’ve never attended one of Joseph Roybal’s workshops, you’ll come away with a breadth and depth of knowledge that will allow you to reach your highest potential! If you’ve previously attended a Roybal seminar on luminosity masks, you are probably aching for more! You’ll be wowed at the deep dive into using masks, layers, and actions based on Tony Kuyper’s TK Actions.

This all-day hands-on workshop is $85 and includes Tony Kuyper’s latest TK Actions panels, a $35 value.


Joseph Roybal is a professional fine art landscape photographer based in Denver. His tagline, Explore.Learn.Share. comes from a simple desire to raise environmental awareness and take everything he has learned and experienced in the field and share with others in presentations, private 1-on-1 photo tours, in addition to post processing techniques and getting your images to look their best for print. Joseph is proud to be represented by several of the industry’s leading companies such as ZEAL Optics, Mountain Standard, Peak Design and Vanguard Tripods and is a member of the Zenfolio Ambassador’s Team and Lowepro Storyteller Team.

REGISTRATION: You may pay online using a credit card through https://www.meetup.com/Evergreen-Camera-Club-Photography-Meetup/events/247902162/. If you prefer, you may send a check for registration to Evergreen Camera Club, 3719 Evergreen Pkwy, Ste A-105, Evergreen, CO 80439, or bring payment to the March 14th ECC general meeting. Direct questions about registration to ecc@evergreencameraclub.com.

Upon registration, instructions will be given to download Tony Kuyper’s latest TK Actions.

MARCH 17, 2018 Workshop: Joseph Robal – Complete Workflow to Post Processing: Masks, Layers and Actions

by ecc

Escape the grind of post processing! Sign up now for Joseph Roybal’s extremely popular workshop: Complete Workflow to Post Processing: Masks, Layers and Actions on March 17, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Evergreen Fire & Rescue Building, 1802 Bergen Parkway, Evergreen. The hands-on workshop is $85 and includes Tony Kuyper’s latest TK Actions panels, a $35 value. Sign up at www.meetup.com/Evergreen-Camera-Club-Photography-Meetup or you can mail a check to Evergreen Camera Club, 3719 Evergreen Pkwy, Ste A-105, Evergreen, CO 80439.

Evergreen Camera Club